Pokemon Ash Gray Hidden Village Trap

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This video from: 🐧 titansfreak28 🐧.
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In this episode of Pokémon Ash Gray we get lost, but find a hidden village with a secret protector.

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Directions on how to play -

Download these three files:

Visual Boy Advance Emulator: http://vba.ngemu.com/downloads.shtml

Pokemon Fire Red: http://www.coolrom.com/roms/gba/14488/pokemon_-_fire_red.php

Download: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=180722

You need a clean copy of Fire Red. Then all you do is make sure the gba and ips file have the same name and are in the same folder, then you start up VBA and open Fire Red.

All copyrights go to Pokemon for FireRed and Rooster Teeth for the intro music from Agent Tex Theme. Also credit to Metapod23 for the game hack and credit to SuperReviewStar for the end of the intro.

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  1. Pokemon Ash Gray Hidden Village Trap House

Since Ash releases both Butterfree and Pidgeot later in the series, Bulbasaur is technically Ash's oldest 'caught' Pokemon. It also remains on Ash's team a lot longer than any other Pokemon.

This walkthrough for Pokemon Ash Grey Game Boy Advance has been posted at 27 Jun 2014 and is called 'Pokemon Ash Grey Walkthrough full'. If walkthrough is usable don't forgot thumbs up and share this with your freinds. And most important we have 1 other walkthroughs for Pokemon Ash. Charmander on ash gray (self.PokemonROMhacks. deleted 2 points 3 points 4 points 6 years ago (12 children) Talk to the kid by the pokemon center table. Charmander will appear on a log north of that center after. You enter the hidden village in its southeast corner. The exit is in the southwest corner. After you go through the hidden.

Hey guys, I haven't been on Fanfiction. net lately because I just had a lot going on in the real world. I just got a PS4 and two games in the process, I'm planning on starting one after I beat the first that I started and I might be more busy then I usually am.

Last time on Ash's Journey: Ash, Brock, and Riolu have found out that Misty is a Gym Leader too, and that Team Rocket was the culprit thieves who stole a vacuum and hose. Then there was this weird guy with a Jolteon who saved the day, who this guy maybe is a mystery but what other new surprises is Ash going to find?

'Aaaand, we're lost.' Ash said as they were walking through a forest with no compass or anything to guide them.

'ALREADY!?' Misty cried out annoyed at Ash's misfortune.

'That took one minute and twenty-three seconds.' Brock stated holding a stop watch.

'Don't worry, I'm sure if we keep going we'll make our way back on the path.' Ash stated still determined to get to Vermillion. Riolu was sitting on his backpack with his legs over his shoulders who he had a few, doubts about, knowing how Ash is.

'That's what you said the last time! I'm tired.' Misty cried still annoyed at Ash's stupidity. 'I told you not to take any shortcuts.' She said trying to throw the blame on him.

'I took a…? You're the one who went this way!' Ash tried to counter her statement knowing that she was the one to really blame.

'Yeah? Well if it wasn't for 'your' leadership, we wouldn't have gotten lost!' She yelled still playing the blame game. 'And before you say anything, if you don't know where you are, or how you got here we're lost okay!' She yelled before he even got the chance to say anything.

'Never mind, I'm taking a break.' Ash said as he sat down on a rock nearby. Then he noticed something drinking from a small pool of water, he of course knew this was an Oddish.

Ash did know who it was but was still curious of what Dexter had to say. 'Oddish the weed Pokémon. During the daytime, Oddish buries itself in soil to absorb nutrients from the ground using its entire body. The more fertile the soil, the glossier its leaves become.' He stated after being pulled by Ash.

Ash was about to pull out a Pokeball until… 'No, no, no, NNNOOOOO! You got us lost, I'm catching that Pokémon.' Misty scolded thinking that Ash shouldn't be rewarded after blaming him still. This didn't go unnoticed as Oddish made a run for it, she didn't give up though as she pulled out her Pokeball. 'Go, Starmie!' She yelled sending out the star Pokémon. 'It's weak so we can't use too much power, use Water Gun! Then Tackle' She called out for her weakest attacks. The Oddish was out and unable to battle, Misty saw this chance and brought out her Pokeball ready to catch it. She threw the ball to catch, but for some reason it stopped in midair then went flying back into her face causing her to land on her knees and hold her face in pain.

Ash looked up from the noise broken Misty and saw a Pokémon he didn't recognize. It looked like a mini ballerina with green hair that had pink petals coming from it, green legs, and red eyes. 'Who's that Pokémon?' Ash questioned pulling out Dexter for info.

'Kirla the Emotion Pokémon. It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions of its Trainer grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain. They are also known to be found in Hoenn and Sinnoh.' Dexter stated being pointed at the Pokémon.

Hidden village gainesville fl

'Kirlllla!' The Pokémon said as it used its psychic powers to send Starmie flying back into its trainer. Ash didn't know whether to be amazed at the psychic's power or laugh at what Misty got coming to her.

'If it's another one I'm going to catch it!' Ash yelled pulling out Butterfree's ball. 'I choose you!' He yelled throwing the ball in his hands. 'Use Sleep Power!' He yelled as Butterfree was going to do what he was told, until…

'Kirrrllla.' Kirla said as it released hearts. When they made contact with Butterfree, he had hearts in his eyes.

'Huh, Attract?' Ash said now knowing the Pokémon was a girl. 'Butterfree snap out of it!' He yelled, but it was like Butterfree didn't know Ash was there. Without warning Kirla used Confusion to slam her opponent to the ground. 'Butterfree, return' Ash said calling him back to his ball. The two Pokémon took that time run off and away. 'Dang it!' Ash yelled ticked that he didn't get another Pokémon.

Ash didn't give up though he went running in the same the direction hoping he could still get the Kirla, the rest followed him but when they got to a bridge Ash stepped on a broken board and the sharp part of it cut the rope making everyone grabbed the nearest thing they could latch onto, only to see Brock fall into the water. Ash, Riolu, and Misty managed to get to safety, but they still lost Brock, Ash's closest human friend in the group, and well-known travel guide.

'Don't worry Brock we'll find you!' Ash yelled out as they got to the stream of water and ran down the trail hoping they could find them. Along the way they fell into two traps, both being them falling in craters, it wasn't their day as Ash stated. Riolu tried to find Brock's Aura but instead felt that one Aura he felt back at Mt. Moon that disappeared again.

'I really hope we find him soon, and that there aren't any more traps.' Misty said hoping she was on top this time. Only then to be pulled into another that that resulted them in a net in a tree.

'*Sigh* Too soon Misty, too soon.' Ash said annoyed.

'Bulbasaur!' A strange voice called out. Ash looked down to see the source, and saw that it was a Bulbasaur and the same Kirla they saw earlier.

'A Bulbasaur too?' Ash questioned seeing the two Pokémon walk away from them. 'Aw man! Two Pokémon I could've caught today!' Ash shouted in a sad yet annoyed tone.

Pokemon Ash Gray Hidden Village Trap

It had been an hour since the trio had been in the net, they weren't able to escape so all they could do was wait for help. Ash joked about Brock being taken aboard by pirates, only to see what it would come to.

'Ahoy!' A familiar voice called out in a pirate tone. It was Brock of course.

'Brock, you're okay!' Ash cheered happy to see his friend ageing. He did get them down and at the cost, sore bottoms. 'Aw, jez. Where were you? We've been looking all over.' Ash said curious of what happened to Brock.

'Well…' Brock was ready to explain.


'AH-*GASP!*-ARGH-SOMPH-ODEH-HELPH…!' Brock was trying to call for help but the rapids were muffling his screams.

'I got you, just hold on!' A girl said after grabbing Brock's hand. She managed to pull him out of the water and Brock got a good look at her, he described her beautiful.


'A beautiful girl? That's better than a pirate!' Ash said, then blushing after saying so as he rubbed the back of his head out of embarrassment.

Riolu didn't judge Brock's statement, he had to admit that it was better than a pirate. Brock eventually lead them to a cabin where the girl he met lived in, it was filled with many Pokémon outside of it and was also peaceful.

'Melanie this is Ash and Misty. My two close friends I'm traveling with.' Brock said to the girl, now known as Melanie.

'Welcome, so you're Brock's friends. Nice to meet you.' Melanie said greeting them kindly.

'Nice to meet you to. Oh wow, look at all those Pokémon.' Misty said seeing the critters chow down on their food.

'Thanks. they, don't really belong to me though.' Melanie stated as she is not a Pokémon Trainer.

'This is a place where Pokémon are able to rest and relax. Like summer camp, but all year long pretty much.' Brock made an example explaining to Ash. 'You see when Pokémon get abandon or injured, they can come here to get piece. Melanie takes care of them until they feel better, that's when they leave.' He stated.

'So, you're like a Pokémon doctor.' Misty said referring to Melanie.

'Oh no, I'm not qualified to be one.' She stated.

'She's right, this is more like a health spa then a center.' Brock stated agreeing with the girl.

'Here, the Pokémon don't battle each other, they relax and try to enjoy time with one another. And it looks like your little friend is getting along with them quite nicely.' Melanie said referring to Riolu, who was talking with the other Pokémon.

'She also collects plants to use for medicine, she knows all about what plants can help a Pokémon recover and get better over time.' Brock said.

'So, you and Melanie are kind of alike.' Ash stated seeing what they had in common.

'Well, to me, I think Brock has feelings for a certain 'some-MPH!' Misty was about to say until Brock cut her off by holding her mouth with his hand.

'be quite…. she might hear you…' Brock whispered to Misty trying to hide his embarrassment.

'Who set those traps anyway?' Ash asked wondering why the traps him and Misty landed in were there.

'I'm sorry, that would be me. I want to stop trainers before they reached the village, I guess they really worked.' Melanie said feeling bad but also impressed that her work payed off. 'Because there are so many Pokémon that are injured I need to keep them safe at all cost.' She stated.

'So, was that bridge also a trap as well?' Ash asked finding the culprit. Melanie only nodded her head then scratched the back of in embarrassment.

'Can you promise that you won't catch any Pokémon here?' Melanie asked the three. The group said that they'd keep the promise and wouldn't capture any of them, which did make Ash feel a little depressed, but he understood what she meant.

Riolu was playing with the other Pokémon he came across and was ready to play a game of hid and seek. When it was his turn to hide he was going to climb up a tree till he spotted something that he would never forget, the same cloaked figure he saw back at Cerulean City who saved his group from Team Rocket. He couldn't see his face and the rest of his body was cover in a leather coat, and long black jeans. Riolu was going to interact with him, but before he could something dropped on his head, looking down he saw it was an Oran Berry, when he looked up, the figure was gone. Many questions were now running through Riolu's head, like who that man was and what was he doing following them.

Ash overheard Misty apologizing to the same Oddish it met before, and also heard her say that she hoped so wasn't heartless. 'Hey, you're not heartless Misty, you just… well, 'we' just sometimes get a little in-over our heads, we're friends and that's what matters.' He said trying to cheer her up, she nodded and thanked for the help. That was until she got tackled in the back by the same Bulbasaur they saw earlier.

'Hey, what's the big idea!?' Misty shouted ticked at what Bulbasaur just did.

'Yeah, what's your pro-WOAH!' Ash shouted as he dodged a blast of Confusion. They saw the same Kirla appear next to Bulbasaur looking just as angry. 'Is this about before? Well you are so…' Ash said as he was about to pull out a Pokeball until Melanie stopped him.

'NO! Please no!' She yelled stopping the fight that was about to start. 'I'm sorry, Kirla and Bulbasaur are only trying to protect Oddish. They volunteered to guard our whole village, they are the most bravest and loyal that I know.' She stated making the duo feel almost bad for them. Then the duo of Pokémon tried to push Ash. 'And they don't like trainers, they want you to leave immediately.' She stated.

'But we're not here to capture any, we're here to help.' Misty stated trying to talk sense into them.

'Kirla and Bulbasaur were worried about the other Pokemon, so they decided to be the village bodyguards. That's bravery alright, the really have caring hearts.' Ash thought to himself.

Then for some reason Kirla stopped pushing and slowly took a step back, Bulbasaur saw this and had to ask in his native language… '(Why'd you stop?)'

'(I, I… uh…)' Kirla was stuttering in her native language as she began to turn red in embarrassment.

'What's with Kirla?' Ash asked now confused.

'Well, since she's a psychic type, sometimes she might read your mind on accident.' Melanie stated as Kirla's face began to get even more red.

'What did she read in my head that's making her acted like that?' He wondered. That thought had to leave when you-know-who showed up, with their stupid motto which we are skipping.

They landed on the ground with a giant stadium thing that began to suck all the Pokémon up one-by-one. Everyone tried to grab one they hoped they could help, but Oddish slipped from Misty's hands, only to get caught but Kirla and Bulbasaur's Vine Whip and Confusion.

'Misty take Staryu, I'm going to help them.' Ash said running to the two to help them get the Oddish back to safety. Ash kept pushing Bulbasaur trying to help him, Kirla saw what Ash was doing began to blush again after reading his heroic words in his mind, which were… 'I can't let Team Rocket win, these Pokémon are hurt, and I refuse to let those criminals do their dirty work.'

Pokemon Ash Gray Hidden Village Trap House

The humans were successful in getting the Pokémon to safety, which did tick Team Rocket off seeing what they did. 'Everyone okay? Misty? Brock? Melanie?' Ash asked getting nods from the three as he sat with his back against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief, then he noticed Kirla looking at him with the blush still on her face. 'Are you okay?' He asked, she snapped out of whatever trance she was in and shook off the blush.

The moment then got ruined by the vacuum, stadium, thingy, whatever you call it trying to suck up the entire house. Kirla and Bulbasaur didn't give up as they went to the roof and used Confusion and Vine Whip to attack the hose.


'Pidgeotto, use Gust!' Ash yelled throwing out Pidgeotto's ball and him doing what he was told. The combination of the gust and the wind blowing created a tornado sending TR and their machine flying yelling that they're blasting off again. 'Well… that was… something.' Ash said trying to catch his breath. 'I owe part of this to you guys for well guards of this village.' Ash complemented the duo of Pokémon who helped him greatly.

'Bulbasaur/Kirla.' The two said, Bulbasaur gave them a smile, and Kirla bowed to thank them.

'You know, Kirla and/or Bulbasaur might make an excellent addition to your team Ash.' Melanie stated catching Ash's attention. Then Ash saw Kirla hugging his leg and immediately got confused. 'I think Kirla wants to go with you.' Melanie explained regaining his attention. 'Her and Bulbasaur have stayed here to protect the weaker Pokémon, but this village is too small. I think Kirla should go with you because it needs to go out to see the rest of the world, and I know you'll take good care of her.' She said allowing Ash to have Kirla one of his Pokémon. 'Please, take her with you on your journey, besides it seems she grown quite a liking towards you.' She stated seeing her hug him.

She began to explain how Pokémon shouldn't stay in one place forever and that they need to grow and see the outside world, even if it is dangerous. She hoped that all of them will find good trainers out there that are as kind hearted as the three she met that day. And that taking care of sick ones will always be her mission and her job isn't finished until they return where they came from.

'Well, uh…' Ash said still thinking of what to do then he bent down to Kirla. 'What do'ya say Kirla? Do you want to come with me on my journey?' He asked her. For an answer, she just jumped at him and hugged him, it wasn't enough force to throw him back but he did return the hug. 'Then I promise. I promise to take her.' He said as they took the moment to enjoy the hug. Riolu saw this and went to join the hug.

Ash did his traditional catch where he stood a few feet away from the Pokémon, turned his hat then threw the Pokeball, which caught Kirla without even trying to fight it. Ash now had a new Pokémon on his team that Riolu could now relate to, Ash was sure that with her on his team he might have a chance to beat the Vermillion Gym Leader. As they traveled across the path, Kirla sat in her Pokeball thinking of her new trainer as she began to blush thinking of him. To her he looked impressive for a human as she listened to her heartbeat, let alone did she know, she had feelings for the human boy.

To be Continued…

I know, but be reminded, I did say that I was going to skip episodes, those I ether think are stupid, or aren't necessary. I decided to make give Ash a Kirla instead of a Ralts for many reasons, I also did spoil her in previous chapters. In the next chapter, Ash is going to get one of the Kalos starters, can you guess which one? Find out next time. Also, please leave a good review, I was up all night typing this down.