Civil War A To Z

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Alphabetical list of historical battles (see also Military history, Lists of battles):
NOTE: Where a year has been used to disambiguate battles it is the year when the battle started. In some cases these may still have gone on for several years.


Mar 18, 2014  It was first patented during the Civil War, and was used like a tonic such as other Civil War era medicines. Xanthorrhiza was used in infusion, decoction, amputation, and in treating battlefield wounds and infections that soldiers received during battle. It could be taken in liquid form or powder and due to its intensely bitter resin. Civil Rights Act of 1957 On September 9, 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson just a few hours after House approval on July 2, 1964.

  • Battle of 73 Easting – 1991 – Gulf War


  • Battle of Aachen – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Abensberg – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Abukir – 1799 – French Revolution
  • Battle of Abu Klea – 1885 – Mahdist War
  • Battle of Aclea – 851 – Viking invasions of England
  • Battle of Acragas – 406 BC – Greek–Punic Wars
  • Siege of Acre (1189–91) – Third Crusade
  • Siege of Acre (1291) – Fall of the last crusader city
  • Siege of Acre (1799) – French Revolution
  • Battle of Acroinum – 740 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Actium – 31 BC – Final War of the Roman Republic
  • Battle of Ad Decimum – 31 BC – Vandalic War
  • Battle of Adwa – 1896 – First Italo-Ethiopian War
  • Battle of Adwalton Moor – 1643 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Aegina – 458 BC – First Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Aegospotami – 405 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Agendicum – 52 BC – Gallic Wars
  • Battle of Agincourt – 1415 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Agnadello (a.k.a. Battle of Vaila) – 1509 – Italian Wars
  • Battle of Ahvenanmaa – 1714 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Ain Jalut – 1260 – Mongol conquests
  • First Battle of the Aisne – 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of the Aisne – 1917 – World War I
  • Third Battle of the Aisne – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Ajnadayn – 634 – Muslim conquest of the Levant
  • Battle of Akraba (632) (a.k.a. Battle of Yemama) – 'Apostate Wars'
  • Battle of Alalia – 535 BC – Greek–Punic Wars
  • Battle of Alamance – 1771 – War of the Regulation
  • Battle of Alam el Halfa – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of the Alamo – 1836 – Texas Revolution
  • Battle of Aldenhoven (1794) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battles of El Alamein – both 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Alesia – 52 BC – Gallic Wars
  • Battle of Alessandria – 1391 – Florentine-Milanese Wars
  • Battle of Alfarrobeira – 1449
  • Battle of Algeciras – 1344 – Reconquista
  • Battle of Aljubarrota – 1385 – 1383–1385 Portuguese interregnum
  • Battle of Alma – 1854 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Almonacid – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Al-Safra – 1812 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Amberg – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Amiens – 1870 – Franco-Prussian War
  • Battle of Amiens – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Amphipolis – 422 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Amstetten – 1805 – War of the Third Coalition
  • Battle of Ankara (a.k.a. Battle of Angora) – 1402 – Timur's Invasion of Turkey
  • Battle of Antietam – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Antioch (218) – Inter-Roman battle
  • Battle of Antioch (1097) – First Crusade
  • Siege of Antioch (1268) – Crusades
  • Battle of Antwerp (1584) – Dutch Revolt
  • Battle of Antwerp (1832) – Ten Days' Campaign
  • Battle of Antwerp (1914) – World War I
  • Battle of Antwerp (1944) – World War II
  • Battle of Anzen – 838 – Byzantine–Arab Wars
  • Battle of Aong – 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857
  • Battle of Araure – 1813 – Venezuelan War of Independence
  • Battle of Arbedo – 1422 – Milanese led by Francesco Bussone vs. Swiss
  • Battle of Arcole (1796) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Ardennes – World War I
  • Battle of Arklow – 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798
  • Battle of Arnhem – 1944 – World War II (Operation Market Garden)
  • Battle of Arras (1654) – Thirty Years' War (Spanish–French extension)
  • Battle of Arras (1917) – World War I
  • Battle of Arsuf – 1191 – Third Crusade
  • Battle of Artemisium – 480 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Artois-Loos – 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Asal Uttar – 1965 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
  • Battle of Ascalon – 1099 – First Crusade
  • Battle of Ashdown – 871 – Viking-Saxon wars
  • Battle of the Assunpink Creek – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Athens (Alabama) – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Athens (Missouri) – 1861 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Auerstaedt – 1806 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Austerlitz – 1805 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Atlantic – World War I
  • Battle of the Atlantic – World War II
  • Battle of Auberoche – 1345 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Audenaarde – 1708 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Ayacucho – 1824 – Peruvian War of Independence
  • Battle of Azaz (1030) – Arab–Byzantine Wars


  • Battle of Badung Strait (18-20 Feb, 1942)
  • Battle of the Baggage – 737 – Umayyad–Turgesh Wars
  • Battle of the Bagradas River (239 BC) – Carthage's Mercenary War
  • Battle of the Bagradas River (49 BC) – Caesar's Civil War
  • Battle of Baekgang – 663 – Baekje–Tang War
  • Battle of Bakhmach – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Balaclava – 1854 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Balikpapan 1st battle (23–24 Jan, 1942) (Pacific Campaign of WW2)
  • Battle of Balikpapan 2nd battle (1–21 July 1945) (Pacific Campaign of WW2)
  • Battle of Bamianshan – 1950 – Chinese Civil War
  • Battle of Bang Bo – 1885 – Sino-French War
  • Battle of Bang Rajan – 1767 – Burmese–Siamese wars
  • Battle of Bannockburn – 1314 – First War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Baoyang (May 1902) Moro Rebellion
  • Operation Barbarossa – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Barfleur – 1692 – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Barnet – 1471 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Basantar – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Bassorah (a.k.a. Battle of the Camel) – 656 – First Fitna
  • Battle of Bathys Ryax – 872/878 – Byzantine-Paulician Wars
  • Battle of Batin – 1810 – Russo-Turkish War
  • Battle of Bautzen – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Beecher Island – 1868 – American Indian Wars
  • Battle of Beersheba – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Belleau Wood – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Benburb – 1646 – Irish Confederate Wars
  • Battle of Benevento – 1266 – The Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
  • Battle of Beneventum (275 BC) – Rise of Rome
  • Battle of Benfleet – 894 – Viking invasion of England
  • Battle of Berea – 1852 – Xhosa Wars
  • Battle of Berestechko – 1651 – The Deluge
  • Battle of Bergen (1799) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Bitonto – 1734 – War of the Polish Succession
  • Battle of Blanchetaque – 1346 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Blenheim – 1704 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Blood River – 1838 -
  • Battle of Blore Heath – 1459 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Borodino – 1812 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Borysthenes – 1512 – Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
  • Battle of the Bosnian Highlands – 927 – Croatian–Bulgarian wars
  • Battle of Bosworth Field – 1485 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Boulou – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Bouvines – 1214 – Anglo-French War (1202–14)
  • Battle of Boyacá – 1819 – Colombian War of Independence
  • Battle of the Boyne – 1690 – Williamite War in Ireland
  • Battle of Breisach – 1638 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Breitenfeld (1631) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Breitenfeld (1642) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Brentford – 1642 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Brienne – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Britain – 1940 – World War II
  • Battle of Brandywine – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Brooklyn (a.k.a. Battle of Long Island) – 1776 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Brunanburh – 937
  • Battle of Brunkeberg – 1471 – Dano-Swedish War (1470–71)
  • Battle of Bråvalla – ca 750 – Danish–Swedish wars
  • Battle of Buçaco – 1810 – Peninsular War
  • Battle of Buena Vista – 1847 – Mexican–American War
  • Brusilov Offensive – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of the Bulge – 1944 – World War II
  • First Battle of Bull Run – 1861 – American Civil War
  • Second Battle of Bull Run – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Bunker Hill – 1775 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Burgos – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Burkersdorf – 1762 – Seven Years' War


  • Battle of Cadiz – 1587 – Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)
  • Battle of Caen (1346) – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle for Caen – 1944 – Second World War
  • Battle of Cambrai – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Camlann – 573, the only mentioning of King Arthur
  • Battle of Camperdown – 1797 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Cannae – 216 BC – Second Punic War
  • Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1780) – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Cape St Vincent (1797) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Caporetto (a.k.a. Twelfth Battle of Isonzo) – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Capua – Second Punic War
  • Siege of Capua (1734) – War of the Polish Succession
  • Battle of Carabobo – 1821 – Venezuelan War of Independence
  • Battle of Carbisdale – 1650
  • Battle of Carchemish – 605 BC – Babylonian–Egyptian War
  • Battle of Carillon – 1758 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Carthage (c. 149 BC) – Third Punic War
  • Battle of Carthage (533) (see Battle of Ad Decimum)
  • Battle of Carthage (698) – Moslem Conquest of North Africa
  • Battle of Castle Turjak – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Cassel – 1677 – Franco-Dutch War
  • Battle of Cassinga – 1978 – South African Border War
  • Battle of Castillon – 1453 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of the Catalaunian Plains – 451 – Fall of the Western Roman Empire
  • Battle of the Caudine Forks – 321 BC – Samnite Wars
  • Second Battle of Cawnpore – 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857
  • Battle of Cedynia – 972 – First Polish–German War
  • Battle of Cefn Digoll – 630
  • Battle of Cesky´-Brod (see Battle of Lipany)
  • Battle of Ceuta – 1415 – Moroccan-Portuguese conflicts
  • Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC) – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • Battle of Chaeronea (86 BC) – First Mithridatic War
  • Battle of Chalcis – 429 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Châlons – 274 – Germanic Invasions of the Roman Empire
  • Battle of Champaubert – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Chancellorsville – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Changsha (1911) – Xinhai Revolution
  • Battle of Changsha (1939) – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Changsha (1941) – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Changsha (1942) – Second Sino-Japanese War as merged into World War II
  • Battle of Changsha (1944) (a.k.a. Changsha-Hengyang) – Second Sino-Japanese War as merged into World War II
  • Battle of Changping – 206 BC – Consolidation of Qin dynasty
  • Battle of the Chateauguay – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of the Chernaya – 1855 – Crimean War
  • Battle of the Chesapeake – 1781 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Chesma – 1770 – Russo-Turkish War (1768–74)
  • Battle of Chickamauga – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Chippawa – 1812 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Chiset – 1373 – Hundred Years War
  • Battle of Chojnice (a.k.a. Battle of Conitz) – 1454 – Thirteen Years' War
  • Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River – 1950 – Korean War
  • Battle of Chosin Reservoir – 1950 – Korean War
  • Battle of Chrysopolis – 324 – Constantine I becomes the only Roman Emperor
  • Battle of Ciudad Real – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Civitate – 1053 – Norman vs. Swabian-Italian-LombardPapal coalition
  • Battle of Clyst St. Mary – 1549 – Prayer Book Rebellion
  • Battle of Cocherel – 1364 – French vs. the forces of Charles II of Navarre
  • Battle of Cold Harbor – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Colenso – 1899 – Second Boer War
  • Assault on Copenhagen (1659) – Northern Wars
  • Battle of Copenhagen (1801) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Copenhagen (1807) – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Coral Sea – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Coronea – 447 BC – pre-Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Coronel – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Covadonga – 722 – Umayyad conquest of Hispania
  • Battle of Cracow – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Craonne – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Cravant – 1423 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of the Crater – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Crécy – 1346 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Crete – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Crysler's Farm – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Culloden (a.k.a. Culloden Moor) – 1746 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of Cunaxa – 401 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Cut Knife – 1885 – North-West Rebellion
  • Battle of Chapultepec – 1847 – Mexican–American War


  • Battle of Dairen – 1904 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of the Defile – 731 – Umayyad–Turgesh Wars
  • Battle of Delium – 424 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Debaltseve – 2015 – War in Donbass
  • Battle of Denain – 1712 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Deorham (a.k.a. Dyrham) – 577 – Anglo-Saxon conquest of England
  • Battle of Dessau Bridge – (1626) – Thirty Years' War
  • Siege of Detroit – 1812 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Dettingen – 1743 – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu – 1954 – First Indochina War
  • Battle of Diersheim (1797) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Didgori – 1121 – Georgian–Seljuk wars
  • Siege of Diriyah – 1818 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Diu – 1509 – Portuguese-Ottoman War
  • Battle of Dogger Bank (1781) – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Dogger Bank (1915) – World War I
  • Battle of Domstadtl (Domašov) – 1758 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Dorylaeum – 1097 – First Crusade
  • Battle of Dražgoše – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Drepana – 249 BC – First Punic War
  • Battle of Dresden – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Dufile – 1888 – Emin Pasha – Moyo District – Uganda
  • Battle of Dumlupınar – 1922 – Greco-Turkish War (1919–22)
  • Battle of the Dunes (1658) – Franco-Spanish War (1635–59)
  • Battle of Dunkirk (a.k.a. Dunkerque) – 1940 – World War II
  • Battle of Dunbar (1296) – Wars of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Dunbar (1650) – Third English Civil War
  • Battle of Dungan's Hill – 1647 – Irish Confederate Wars
  • Battle of Dun Nechtain (a/k/a Battle of Dunnichen)
  • Battle of Dupplin Moor – 1332 – Second War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Dybbøl – 1864 – Second Schleswig War


  • Battle of Eastern Henan – 1930 – Central Plains War
  • Battle of the Ebro – 1938 – Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
  • Battle of Eckmühl – 1800 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Edgehill – 1642 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Elchingen – 1805 – War of the Third Coalition
  • Battle of Elena – 1877 – Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Battle of Elvina – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Embabo – 1882
  • Battle of Engen – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Siege of Eshowe – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Espinosa de los Monteros – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Essling-Aspern – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Eurymedon – c. 466 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Evesham – 1265 – Second Barons' War of England
  • Siege of Exeter (c. 630) – almost certainly fictional
  • Battle of Exeter – 1068 – Norman conquest of England
  • Siege of Exeter – 1549 – Prayer Book Rebellion
  • Battle of Eylau – 1807 – Napoleonic Wars


  • Battle of the Falaise Gap – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Falkirk – 1298 – Wars of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Falkirk Muir – 1746 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of the Falkland Islands – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Fehrbellin – 1675 – Northern Wars
  • Battle of Fei River – 383 – Wars of the Eastern Jin Dynasty
  • Battle of Five Forks – 1865 – American Civil War
  • First Battle of Flanders – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Fleurus (1622) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Fleurus (1690) – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Fleurus (1794) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Flodden Field – 1513 – War of the League of Cambrai
  • Battle of Focșani – 1789 – Russo-Turkish War (1787–92)
  • Battle of Fontenoy (841) (Latin Fontanetum, near Auxerre, and now Fontenoy-en-Puisaye) – Carolingian Civil War
  • Battle of Fontenay-le-Comte – 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Fontenoy – 1745 (in Belgium) – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Formigny – 1450 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Fornovo – 1495 – Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII
  • Battle of Fort Charlotte – 1780 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Fort Donelson – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Siege of Fort Zeelandia – 1661 – Sino–Dutch conflicts
  • Battle of Frankfurt an der Oder – 1631 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Fredericksburg – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Freiburg – 1644 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Freiberg – 1762 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Friedland – 1807 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Frontiers – 1914
  • Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro – 1811 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Fulford – 1066 – Viking invasion of England
  • Battle of Fürth – 1632 – Thirty Years' War


  • Gallipoli Campaign – 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Garibpur – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Gaugamela – 331 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • First Battle of Gaza – 1917 – World War I
  • Second Battle of Gaza – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Geisberg (1793) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Germantown – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Gettysburg – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Gilboa – 1000 BC – Israeli–Philistine Wars
  • Battle of Gingindlovu – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Glorious First of June – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Siege of Gloucester – 1643 – English Civil War
  • Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive – 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Grahamstown – 1819 – 5th Xhosa War
  • Battle of Grandson – 1476 – Burgundian Wars
  • Battle of the Granicus – 334 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • Battle of the Grapevine Creek – 1888 – Hatfield–McCoy feud
  • Battle of Grathe Heath – 1157 – Dispute over Danish throne
  • Battle of Gravelines – 1588 – Spanish Armada
  • Battle of Grengam – 1720 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Grotniki – 1439 – Hussite Wars
  • Battle of Grunwald – 1410 – Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War
  • Guadalcanal Campaign – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Guadalete – 711 – Umayyad conquest of Hispania
  • Battle of Guandu – 200 – Conquest of Northern China
  • Battle of Guangzhou – 1927
  • Second Battle of Guangzhou – 1929
  • Second Battle of Guilin – 1930 – Central Plains War
  • Battle of the Guise – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Gully Ravine – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Gumbinnen – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Gvozd Mountain (Peter`s Mountain) – 1097 – Croatian–Hungarian War of 1097


  • Battle of Halidon Hill – 1333 – Second War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Halule – 691 BC – Neo-Assyrian Border Wars
  • Battle of Halmyros – 1311 – Catalan Company
  • Battle of Halys – 585 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Hampton Roads – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Siege of Harfleur – 1415 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Harlaw – 1411 – Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Battle of Hartmannswillerkopf – 1915 – Alsace
  • Battle of Hastings – 1066 – Norman conquest of England
  • Battle of Hattin – 1187 – Crusades
  • Battle of Le Havre – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Heligoland (1864) – Second Schleswig War
  • Battle of Heligoland Bight (1914) – World War I
  • Battle of the Hellespont – 324
  • Battle of Helsingborg – 1362 – Danish–German War
  • Battle of Hemmingstedt – 1500 – Danish invasion in Dithmarschen, Germany
  • Battle of Heraclea – 280 BC – Pyrrhic War
  • Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli) – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Hill 60 (Western Front) – 1915 – World War I – Western Front
  • Battle of Hilli 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Hlobane – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Höchst – 1622 – Thirty Years' War
  • First Battle of Höchstädt – 1703 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Höchstädt (1800) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Hohenfriedberg – 1745 – Second Silesian War and War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Hohenlinden – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Hondschoote (1793) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Hopton Heath – 1643 – First English Civil War
  • Battle of Huế – 1968 – Vietnam War
  • Hundred Regiments Offensive – 1940 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of the Hydaspes – 326 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great


  • Battle of Iena – 1806 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Ilipa – 206 BC – Second Punic War
  • Battle of Ilovaisk – 2014 – War in Donbass
  • Battle of Inkerman – 1854 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Intombe – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Inverlochy (1431) -
  • Battle of Inverlochy (1645) – 1645 – Scottish Civil War
  • Battle of Irtysh River – 657 – Tang campaigns against the Western Turks
  • Battle of Isaszeg – 1849 – Hungarian War of Independence
  • Battle of Issus – 333 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • Battle of Ituzaingó – 1827 – Cisplatine War
  • Battle of Iwo Jima – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of the Iron Bridge – 637 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of the Ironclads (a.k.a. Monitor vs. Merrimack, Battle of Hampton Roads) – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Isandlwana – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battles of the Isonzo – World War I – a series of eleven related battles, ending with the Battle of Caporetto


  • Battle of Jackson, Mississippi – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Jackson, Tennessee – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Jankau – 1645 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Jarama – 1937 Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of the Java Sea – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Jeddah – 1813 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Jemappes – 1792 – War of the First Coalition
  • Battle of Jena–Auerstedt – 1806 – War of the Fourth Coalition
  • Battle of Jinan – 1930 – Central Plains War
  • Battle of Jutland – 1916 – World War I


  • Battle of Kabul (1842) – First Anglo-Afghan War
  • Battle of Kadesh – 1274 BC – Second Syrian campaign of Ramesses II
  • Battle of Kambula – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Korean War
  • Battle of Karkar – 854 BC or 853 BC – Assyrian conquest of Aram
  • Battle of Kharistan – 737 – Umayyad–Turgesh wars
  • Battle of Kepaniwai – 1790 – Unification of the Hawaiian Islands
  • Battle of Khafji – 1991 – Gulf War
  • Siege of Khartoum – 1884/5 – Mahdist War
  • Battle of Killiecrankie – 1689 – Jacobite rising of 1689
  • Siege of Kimberley – 1899/1900 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Kings Mountain – 1780 – part of American Revolution
  • Battle of Kircholm – 1605 – War between Sweden and Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth for the Inflants
  • Battle of Kleidion – 1014 – Byzantine–Bulgarian wars
  • Battle of Klushino – 1610, Poles defeat Russians during Time of Troubles in Russia.
  • Battle of Knocknanuss- 1647- Irish Confederate Wars
  • Battle of Kōan – 1281 – Mongol invasions of Japan
  • Battle of Kolín – 1757 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Kolubara – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Königgrätz – 1866 – Austro-Prussian War
  • Battle of Kopidnadon – 788 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Kosovo – 1389 – Ottoman wars in Europe
  • Battle of Kosovo (1448) – Ottoman wars in Europe
  • Battle of Kosovo (1915) – World War I
  • Battle of Krasos – 804 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Krbava Field – 1493 – Hundred Years' Croatian–Ottoman War
  • Battles of Krithia – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Kunyang – 24 – Rise of the Eastern Han
  • Battle of Kursk – 1943 – World War II
  • Siege of Kut – 1915/16 – World War I
  • Battle of Kyushu – 1281 – Mongol invasions of Japan


  • Battle of La Bicocca – 1522 – Italian War of 1521–26
  • Battle of Lade – 494 BC – Ionian Revolt
  • Battle of La Hogue – 1692 – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Lake Erie – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Lalakaon – 863 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Laon – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Largs – 1263 – Scottish–Norwegian War
  • Battle of Lauffeld (in Belgium) – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Le Cateau – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Lechfeld – 955 – German states stop the Magyars
  • Battle of Legnano – 1176 – Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
  • Battle of Leipzig – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Lens – 1648 – Thirty Years' War
  • First Battle of Lepanto – 1499 – Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503)
  • Second Battle of Lepanto – 1500 – a second battle at the same place during the Ottoman–Venetian War
  • Battle of Lepanto – 1571 – a third battle at Lepanto, during the Ottoman–Venetian War (1570–73)
  • Battle of Lesnaya 1708 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Leuthen – 1757 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Leuven (891) -
  • Battle of Lewes – 1264 – Second Barons' War of England
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord – 1775 – American War of Independence
  • Battle of Leyte (land battle) – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf (sea battle) – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Liaoyang – 1904 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Ligny – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Lincoln (1141), on 2 February 1141 – Stephen of England vs Matilda, England.
  • Battle of Lincoln (1217), on 20 May 1217 – First Barons' War of England.
  • Battle of Lipany (a.k.a. Cesky´-Brod or Böhmisch-Brod) – 1434 – Hussite Wars
  • Battle of Lisnagarvey – 1649 – Cromwellian Wars
  • Battle of Lissa – 1866 – Austro-Prussian War
  • Battle of Littleferry – April 15, 1746 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of the Little Bighorn – 1876 – Great Sioux War of 1876
  • Battle of Łódź – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Lone Pine – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Long Island (a.k.a. Battle of Brooklyn) – 1776 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Longewala – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Loos (see Battle of Artois-Loos)
  • Battle of Lostwithiel (two connected battles) – 1642 and 1644 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Lowestoft – 1665 – Second Anglo-Dutch War
  • Battle of Łowicz – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Lugou Bridge (a.k.a. Incident at Marco Polo Bridge) – 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Lumphanan – 1057 – Scottish dispute over the throne; Macbeth died here.
  • Battle of Lundy's Lane – 1814 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Lutter – 1626 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Lützen (1632) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Lützen (1813) – Napoleonic Wars

Civil War A To Z Lists


  • Battle of Magdeburg – 1631 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Magdhaba – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of Magenta – 1859 – Italian Independence War
  • Battle of Magersfontein – 1899 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Magh Tuiredh (two battles) – Irish mythology – see also Tuatha Dé Danann, Lugh
  • Battle of Maiwand – 1880 – Second Anglo-Afghan War
  • Battle of Majuba Hill – 1881 – First Boer War
  • Battle of Malakoff – 1855 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Maldon – 991
  • Battle of Malplaquet – 1709 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Minatogawa – 1336 – Nanboku-chō Wars
  • Battle of Manila (1762) – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Manila (1898) – Spanish–American War
  • Battle of Manila (1899) – Philippine–American War
  • Battle of Manila (1945) – World War II
  • Battle of Manila Bay – 1898 – Spanish–American War
  • Battle of Manners Street – 1943 World War II
  • Battle of Mantinea (418 BC) – 418 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Mantinea (362 BC) – 362 BC
  • Battle of Manzikert – 1071 – Byzantine–Seljuq wars
  • Battle of Marathon – 490 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Marengo – 1800 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Margate – 1387 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Marignano – 1515 – War of the League of Cambrai
  • Operation Market Garden (Battle of Arnhem) – 1944 – World War II
  • First Battle of the Marne – 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of the Marne – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Marrakech – 1908
  • Battle of Marston Moor – 1644 – First English Civil War
  • First Battle of the Masurian Lakes – September 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes – February 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Măcin – 1791 – Russo-Turkish War (1787–92)
  • Battle of Mauropotamos – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Mecca – 1813 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Medellín – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Medina (1812) – 1812 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Meelick Island -1650 – Cromwellian Wars
  • Battle of Mello – 1358 – Peasant Jacquerie
  • Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC) – Egyptian–Canaanite War
  • Battle of Megiddo (609 BC) – 609 BC
  • Battle of Megiddo (1918) – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Mergentheim – 1645 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Meloria (1241) – Frederick II and Pisa vs. Genoa
  • Battle of Meloria (1284) – Pisa vs. Genoa
  • Battle of Mhlatuze River – Zulu Civil War
  • Battle of Miani – 1843 – Anglo-Baluchi War
  • Battle of Midway – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of the Milvian Bridge – 312 – Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
  • Battle of Mindanao – 1945 – Second World War
  • Battle of Minden – 1759 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Mirbat – 1972 – [Oman Coup]
  • Battle of Mobile (1781) – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Mobile Bay – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Modder River – 1899 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Möerskirch – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Mohács – 1526 – Ottoman–Hungarian Wars
  • Battle of Mollwitz – 1741 – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Monocacy – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of the Monongahela – 1755 – French and Indian War
  • Battle of Mons – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Mons Badonicus – about 500 – Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain
  • Battle of Mons Graupius – 84 – Roman conquest of Britain
  • Battle of Monte Cassino – 1944 – Italian Campaign (World War II)
  • Battle of Montereau – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Montmirail – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Mormans – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Moscow – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Mouquet Farm – 1916
  • Battle of Mühlberg – 1547 – Schmalkaldic War
  • Battle of Mycale – 479 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Myriokephalon – 1176 – Byzantine–Seljuq wars


  • Battle of Naissus – 269 – Crisis of the Third Century
  • The Night Attack – 1462 – Vlad III Dracula versus Mehmed II
  • Battle of Nanking – 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Nanning – 1929 – Guangdong invasion
  • Second Battle of Nanning – 1930- Yunnan Army invasion
  • Battle of Nanos – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Naseby – 1645 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Nashville – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Naupactus – 429 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Navarino – 1827 – Greek War of Independence
  • Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa – 1212 – Reconquista
  • Battle of Nechtansmere – 685 – see Battle of Dun Nechtain
  • Battle of Neerwinden (1693) – Nine Years' War
  • Battles of Nejd – 1817 / 1818 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of the Nek – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Neresheim – 1796 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Nesjar – 1016- Saint Olav Haraldsson
  • Battle of Neuwied (1797) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of New Orleans – 1815 – War of 1812
  • Battle of New Ross (1798) – Irish Rebellion of 1798
  • Battle of Nicopolis – 1396 – Ottoman wars in Europe
  • Battle of Nikiou – 646 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of the Nile – 1798 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Nineveh (612 BC) – Fall of Assyria
  • Battle of Nineveh (627) – Byzantine–Sasanian wars
  • Battle of Niquitao – 1813 – Venezuelan War of Independence
  • Battle of Nördlingen (1634) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Nördlingen (1645) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Normandy – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Noryang – 1598 – Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598)
  • Battle of Novara (1513) – War of the League of Cambrai
  • Battle of Novara (1849) – Italian Independence wars
  • Battle of Novi (1799) – French Revolutionary Wars


  • Battle of Ocaña – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Oenophyta – 457 BC – First Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Okinawa – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Olpae – 426 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Omdurman – 1898 – Mahdist War
  • Battle of Orchomenus – 84 BC – First Mithridatic War
  • Battle of Orléans – 1429 – Hundred Years' War – Joan of Arc participated
  • Battle of Otterburn – 1388 – Scottish/English border dispute
  • Battle of Oudenarde – 1708 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Ourique – 1139 – Reconquista


  • Battle of Paardeberg – 1900 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Pákozd – 1848 – Hungarian Revolution of 1848
  • Battle of Pampeluna (1521) – Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre
  • Battle of Panipat (1526) – Mogul–Afghan Wars
  • Battle of Panipat (1556) – Mogul–Afghan Wars
  • Battle of Panipat (1761) – Afghan–Maratha Wars
  • Battle of the Paracel Islands – 1974 – Vietnam War
  • Battle of Passchendaele – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Patay – 1429 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Pavia (271) – Crisis of the Third Century
  • Siege of Pavia (773–74) – Conquests of Charlemagne
  • Battle of Pavia (1431) – Wars in Lombardy
  • Battle of Pavia – 1525 – Italian War of 1521–26
  • Battle of Peking (1900) – Boxer Rebellion
  • Battle of Peleliu – 1944 – World War II
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Pharsalus – 48 BC – Caesar's Civil War
  • Battle of Philippi – 42 BC (in Macedonia) – Liberators' civil war
  • Battle of Philippi (West Virginia) – (1861) – American Civil War
  • Battle of the Philippine Sea – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham – 1759 – Seven Years' War
  • Siege of Pilsen – 1618 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Pinkie Cleugh – 1547 – Rough Wooing, England v. Scotland
  • Battle of Placentia (271) -
  • Battle of Plataea – 479 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Platzberg (1794) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Pliska – Byzantine–Bulgarian wars
  • Battle of Poitiers – 1356 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Poljana – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Pollentia – 402 – Goth invasion of the Western Roman Empire
  • Battle of Poltava – 1709 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Port Arthur – 1904 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Portland – 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War
  • Battle of Portland Harbor – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Portomaggiore – 1395 – Italy
  • Battle of Pozzolo – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Prague (1648) – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Prague (1757) – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Preston (1648) – Second English Civil War
  • Battle of Preston (1715) – Jacobite rising of 1715
  • Battle of Prestonpans – 1745 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of Princeton – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Pteria – 547 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Siege of Puebla (1847) – Mexican–American War
  • Battle of Puebla – 1862 – French intervention in Mexico
  • Battle of Puente Sanpayo – 1862 – Peninsular War
  • Battle of Pydna – 168 BC – Third Macedonian War
  • Battle of Pylos – 425 BC – Peloponnesian War


  • Battle of Quatre Bras – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Quebec (1691) – British attack during King William's War
  • Battle of Quebec (1759) – Seven Years' War, includes the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
  • Battle of Quebec (1760) – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Quebec (1775) – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Queenston Heights – 1812 – War of 1812


  • Battle of Raab – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Rafa – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Rain – 1632 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Rakvere – 1268 -
  • Battle of Ramillies – 1706 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Ramoth-Gilead – 953 BC – Israeli–Syrian War
  • Battle of Rastatt (1796) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Raszyn (1809) – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Raucoux (1746) (in Belgium) – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Ravenna (432) – Bonifacius vs. Flavius Aëtius
  • Battle of Ravenna (1512) – War of the League of Cambrai
  • Battle of Reading – 871 – Ethelred of Wessex and Alfred the Great defeated by a Danish army
  • Battle of Reading – 1688 – Glorious Revolution
  • Battle of Red Cliffs – 208 – Rise of the Three Kingdoms
  • Battle of Remagen – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Rheinfelden – 1638 – Thirty Years' War
  • Second Battle of Rivas 1856 – Central American coalition defeats filibusterWilliam Walker
  • Battle of the River Plate – 1939 – World War II
  • Battle of Rivoli – 1796 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Rocroi – 1643 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Romani – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle for Rome – 1944 – Italian Campaign (World War II)
  • Battle of Rorke's Drift – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Rossbach – 1757 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Roundway Down – 1643 – First English Civil War
  • Battle of Ruvo – 1503 – Italian War of 1499–1504


  • Battle of San Lorenzo de la Muga – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Saint-Omer – 1340 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of St Pol de Léon – 1346 – War of the Breton Succession
  • Battle of St. Quentin (1914) – World War I
  • Battle of Sablat – 1619 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Saigon (1968) – Vietnam War
  • Battle of Sainte-Foy – 1760
  • Battle of Salamanca – 1812 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Salamis – 480 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Salamis (in Cyprus) – 450 BC – pre-Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of San Jacinto – 1836 – Texas Revolution
  • Battle of Santa Rosa – 1856 – Costa Rican troops rout Walker's soldiers
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba – 1898 – Spanish–American War
  • Battles of Saratoga – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Sarhū – 1619
  • Battle of Sari Bair – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Sarmada – 1119 – Crusader-Turkish Wars
  • Battle of Scheveningen – 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War
  • Battle of Schwechat – 1848 – Hungarian Revolution of 1848
  • Battle of Schwetz – see Battle of Świecino
  • Battle of Scimitar Hill – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Sedan (1870) – Franco-Prussian War
  • Battle of Sedgemoor – 1685 – Monmouth Rebellion
  • Battle of Sekigahara – 1600 – Re-unification of Japan and rise of the Tokugawa shogunate
  • Battle of Sempach – 1386 – Growth of the Old Swiss Confederacy
  • Battle of Seneffe – 1674 – Franco-Dutch War
  • Siege of Sevastopol – 1854-5 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Shanhai Pass – 1644 – Manchu conquest of China
  • Battle of Shanghai – 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Shen-Liao – 1621 – Qing conquest of the Ming
  • Battle of Shijōnawate – 1348 – Nanboku-chō period
  • Battle of Shiloh – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Sheriffmuir – 1715 – Jacobite rising of 1715
  • Battle of Shrewsbury – 1403 – Percy Revolt against Henry IV
  • Battle of Sitka – 1804 – Russian colonization of the Americas
  • Battle of Skibo and Strathfleet – 1480 – Scottish clan battle
  • Battle of Sluis (1603) – Eighty Years' War
  • Battle of Sluys – 1340 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Solferino – 1859 – Second Italian War of Independence
  • Battle of the Somme – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of the Somme (1918) – World War I
  • Battle of Sphacteria – 425 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Spion Kop – 1900 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Stadtlohn – 1623 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Stalingrad – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Stamford Bridge – 1066 – Viking invasion of England
  • First Battle of St Albans – 1455 – Wars of the Roses
  • Second Battle of St Albans – 1461 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of St-Dizier – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Saint Gotthard – 1664 – Ottoman wars in Europe
  • Battle of Steenkerque – 1692 – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Stiklestad – 1030 – Christianization of Norway
  • Battle of Stirling Bridge – 1297 – First War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Stirling (1648) – Wars of the Three Kingdoms
  • Battle of Stoke Field – 1487 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Stockach (1800) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Siege of Stralsund (1628) – Thirty Years' War
  • Siege of Stralsund (1711–15) – Great Northern War
  • First Battle of the Stronghold – 1873 – Modoc War
  • Battle of Stångebro – 1598
  • Battle of Suiyang – 757
  • Battle of Surat – 1664 – Imperial Maratha Conquests
  • Battle of Svistov – 1877 – Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Battle of Świecino (a.k.a. Schwetz, Żarnowiec) – 1462 – Thirteen Years' War
  • Battle of Syracuse (415 BC) – Peloponnesian War
  • Siege of Syracuse (397 BC) – Greek–Punic Wars


  • Battle of Tagliacozzo – 1268
  • Battle of Taierzhuang – 1938 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Taku Forts – 1900 – Boxer Rebellion
  • Battle of Talas – 751 – Muslim conquest of Transoxiana
  • Battle of Talavera – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Tanagra (457 BC) – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Tannenberg (1410) – Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War
  • Battle of Tannenberg – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Tarawa (a.k.a. Tarawa-Makin) – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Tarifa – 1340 – during the Reconquista
  • Battle of Tassafaronga – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Tashkessen – 1877 – Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Battle of Teruel – 1937 – Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
  • Battle of Tchernaïa – 1855 – Crimean War
  • Fall of Tenochtitlan – 1521 – Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
  • Battle of the Teutoburg Forest – 9 – Germanic Wars
  • Battle of Tewkesbury – 1471 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Texel – 1673 – Franco-Dutch and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars
  • Battle of the Thames – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Thapsus – 46 BC – Caesar's Civil War
  • Battle of Thermopylae – 480 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (1758) – French and Indian War
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (1759) – French and Indian War
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (1775) – American Revolutionary War
  • Siege of Fort Ticonderoga (1777) – American Revolutionary War
  • First Battle of Tikrit – 2014 – Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)
  • Second Battle of Tikrit – 2015 – Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)
  • Battle of Tippecanoe – 1811 – Tecumseh's War
  • Battle of Tippermuir – 1644 – Wars of the Three Kingdoms
  • Siege of Tobruk – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Tolentino – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Tololing – 1999 – Kargil War
  • Battle of Torran Dubh – 1517 – Scottish clan battle
  • Battle of Toulon – 1707 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Toulon – 1744 – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Siege of Toulon – 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Toulouse – 721 – Islamic invasion of Gaul
  • Battle of Toulouse – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Tourcoing – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Tours – 732 – Islamic invasion of Gaul
  • Battle of Towton – 1461 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Trafalgar – 1805 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Trebbia (1799) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Trenton – 1776 – American Revolutionary War
  • Second Battle of Trenton – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Triangle Hill – 1952 – Korean War
  • Battle of Trippstadt – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Troy – 1194 BC – Trojan War
  • Battle of Tsushima – 1905 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Tudela – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Tuiteam Tarbhach – 1406? – Scottish clan battle
  • Battle of Turckheim – 1675 – Franco-Dutch War
  • Battle of Tumu Fortress/Castle – 1449 – Ming wars against the Mongols
  • Battle of Tunisia – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Turnham Green – 1642 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Tuttlingen – 1643 – Thirty Years' War


  • Battle of Uclés (1108) – Reconquista
  • Battle of Uclés (1809) – Peninsular War in the Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Ulm – 1805 – War of the Third Coalition
  • Battle of Ulundi – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Unsan – 1950 – Korean War
  • Battle of Uji – 1180 – Genpei War
  • Battle of Ushant – 1778 – American Revolutionary War


  • Battle of Vauchamps – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Vaila – see Battle of Agnadello
  • Battle of Valenciennes – 1656 – Thirty Years' War (Spanish-French Extension)
  • Battle of Valley Forge (1777–1778)
  • Battle of Valmy – 1792 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Varey – 1325 – Dauphiné-Savoy disputes
  • Battle of Vaslui – 1475 – (Moldavian–Ottoman Wars)
  • Siege of Veracruz – 1847 – Mexican–American War
  • Battle of Veracruz – 1914 – see United States occupation of Veracruz
  • Battle of Verdun – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of Vimeiro – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Vinegar Hill – 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798
  • Battle of Vitoria – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Vukovar – 1991 – Croatian War of Independence
  • Siege of Vicksburg – 1863 – American Civil War


  • Battle of Wagram – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Wakefield – 1460 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Warsaw (1656), during the Northern Wars
  • Battle of Warsaw (1831), during the Polish revolt against Russia
  • Battle of Vistula Lagoon – 1463 – Thirteen Years' War
  • Battle of Warsaw (1920), during the Polish–Soviet War
  • Siege of Warsaw (1939), at the outset of World War II
  • Warsaw Uprising – 1944, near the end of World War II
  • Battle of Washita River – 1868 – the American Indian Wars
  • Battle of Waterloo – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Wattignies – 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Wavre – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Wayna Daga – 1543 – Abyssinian–Adal war and Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1538–57)
  • Battle of Werben – 1631 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Westerplatte – 1939 – the first battle of World War II
  • Battle of White Mountain – 1620 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Wiesloch – 1622 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of the Wilderness – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Wimpfen – 1622 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Wittstock – 1636 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Wœrth (1793) – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Wogastisburg – 631
  • Battle of Wolgast – 1628 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Worcester – 1651 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Worringen – 1288 – War of the Limburg Succession
  • Battle of Wounded Knee – 1890 – Sioux Wars
  • Battle of Wuzhang Plains – 234 – Fought between Shu Han and Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period of China


  • Battle of Xiangyang (191 AD) – End of the Han Dynasty
  • Battle of Xiangyang (1268–1273) – Yuan conquest of Southern Song
  • Battle of Xinzheng – (1930) – Central Plains War


  • Battle of Yalu River (1894) – First Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Yalu River (1904) – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Yarmuk – 636 – Byzantine-Arab Wars
  • Battle of York – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Yorktown (1781) – American Revolutionary War
  • First Battle of Ypres – 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of Ypres – 1915 – World War I
  • Third Battle of Ypres – 1917 – World War I
Civil War A To Z


  • Battle of Žalgiris – see Battle of Grunwald (1410)
  • Battle of Zama – 202 BC – Second Punic War
  • Battle of Żarnowiec – see Battle of Świecino
  • Battle of Zborov – 1917 – World War I
  • First Battle of Zurich 1799 – Wars of the French Revolution
  • Second Battle of Zurich 1799 – Wars of the French Revolution
  • Battle of Zusmarshausen – 1648 – Thirty Years' War
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Preview — Civil War, A to Z by Clifford L. Linedecker

With hundreds of entries, as well as photographs, drawings, and a handy time line of events, Civil War, A to Z encompasses everything about this historic conflict . . . from Appomattox to Zouaves.
This encyclopedic illustrated reference features facts both familiar and engagingly new, organized in an easy-to-follow alphabetical format. Ranging from the basic to the bizarre,
Published July 26th 2005 by Presidio Press (first published October 1st 2002)
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