Sign Up Phone Call Template

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A follow up email is super important after several events:

These telephone message templates can be used to keep record of telephone messages as soft copy in computer and can also be printed to note telephone messages manually. One can adjust all elements of the telephone message templates easily using great features of Microsoft word program. Printable Phone Message Template. Telephone Message Form.

Below we’ve included templates for each which you can copy/paste for your own follow up emails!

Follow Up After:Email Template Description:
Sales CallSend them useful tools discussed on the call
Sales CallSend them materials they can share around the office
Sales CallFollowing up after a call to close the deal immediately
Sales CallFollow up after a phone call to check in
Job InterviewShow you are right for the job with an outline
Job InterviewLet them know you are interested and ready
Client MeetingGive a quick re-cap of what (and when) the next things are happening
Client MeetingShare the meeting file assets
Client MeetingFollow up on a quote they requested
Client MeetingTell them what you need as a follow up after a call
No ResponseCut straight to the point and ask the next step
No Response'Closing Account' follow up email
No ResponseAsk for a one word reply to indicate interest
No ResponseFollowing up if the client didn't do something yet
No ResponseFollowing up on prospective client after ghosting
No ResponseFollowing up on client after getting ghosted using scarcity
No ResponseGet a hard yes/no on a lead that's gone cold

An easy way to follow up after a sales call, even if there is no planned next meeting, is to provide some value. In this example we are just linking a few of the cool tools we discussed over the sales call.

Just give a quick few links and stop. Make your last interaction with them a pleasant/useful one!

Sign Up Phone Call Template

Purpose: Send them useful tools discussed on the call.

Subject Line 1: Stuff from call
Subject Line 2: The links you wanted
Subject Line 3: Call notes
Subject Line 4: All the links you liked

Awesome meeting today. We talked about a few tools that might help, here they are.
  • Sumo – Add email collection to your site like we talked about.
  • SwipeFile – A publicly updated swipe file so you don’t have to keep one.
  • Momentum Chrome Extension – That tab on my screen you said you liked.

Talk again soon!
Neville – 555.555.5555

Call Log Template Google Sheets

Purpose: Send them materials they can share around the office

If you’re selling to large companies, often times you’ll have one person who will be your “product champion” within the company. Arm this person with some helpful materials they can show their colleagues to convince them to use your product. This template gives them “ammo” to share around the office.

Subject 1: Slide deck to print
Subject 2: Slides for the office
Subject 3: SEO report for [Website]
Subject 4: Analysis of [Website] complete (results attached)

Hey Jill,
It was great meeting this afternoon.

1.) Here’s a handy Business One Pager you can print and send to anyone in the department.

2.) I’ve attached the full slide deck in a PowerPoint to this email.

3.) I’ve also attached the full custom SEO report on your website. Feel free to share this around the team.

Talk soon,
Neville – 555.555.5555

Purpose: Following up after a call to close the deal immediately

Subject 1: Hey [Name]!
Subject 2: Great talk…how do we close?
Subject 3: Closing time…
Subject 4: Last step and we’re done!

Hey [First Name], we’re at the homestretch of this deal. Can you do this one last thing:

Fill out this form and payment here.
(It should take less than a minute).

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Once I see the order went through, we’ll take care of the rest on our end!
[Name] – 555-555-5555

Purpose: Follow up after a phone call to check in

Subject 1: Quick check in
Subject 2: Can I answer any questions?
Subject 3: Setting up a call
Subject 4: Any secondary Q’s?

Hi [Name],

Just wanted to check in with you – it’s been 2 weeks since our phone call about _____. Do you have any questions or concerns I can help with?

Feel free to reply to this email or call my personal number: [Phone].

Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Best regards,

If you’re really gunning for a specific job, it’s always helpful to stand out from the crowd, and go above-and-beyond other applicants.

Most people beg for a job and hope it works out. Superstars however can go above-and-beyond to impress (see what recruiters are looking for in a job interview). For this template I created a one page Google Doc with an outline for the help I can offer the company. This took me less than 10 minutes, and you can copy the template for yourself.

This is the kind of stuff that could push you over the top for a company to choose you. My buddy Noah got a job at Mint by making a full marketing outline for the entire company. He didn’t have to do this, but because he did, he got the job.

Purpose: Show you are right for the job with an outline

Go above-and-beyond by sending them a custom outline of what you can help with. This shows you were paying attention and know your stuff.

Subject Line 1: Outline of [Company] improvements
Subject Line 2: [Company] improvements I can make
Subject Line 3: Things I can fix ASAP
Subject Line 4: Things to improve on [Company]

Hey [First Name], it was great meeting!

I’ve included a small one-page document outlining the immediate problems I saw. I would love to help the team fix all of these!

Neville Medhora – 555.555.5555

Purpose: Let them know you are interested and ready

Subject Line 1: Great interview!
Subject Line 2: Would love to join the team
Subject Line 3: [Company] + [Name] = ❤️
Subject Line 4: Would be honored to join

This is just a quick followup email that can help solidify what happened in your interview. It also let’s them know you are interested and ready to move on the opportunity.

Hi Linda,

It was fantastic interviewing yesterday! Would love to join the awesome team, and have a bunch of great ideas and work to contribute.

If there are any updates on the hiring process, please let me know. Look forward to speaking with you soon!

Neville Medhora

If you have a meeting with an existing client, it’s always useful to know the next step you’re taking together. This helps both parties understand what page they’re on, and avoids a bunch of useless back-n-forth emails later on.

Purpose: Give a quick re-cap of what (and when) the next things are happening

Subject Line 1: Quick re-cap for you
Subject Line 2: Re-cap of [Date] meeting
Subject Line 3: Meeting Outline
Subject Line 4: Outline of [Meeting Name]

Hey Bill, awesome meeting today. Just a quick re-cap of what’s happening next:

Sign Up Phone Call Template Pdf

July 20th: I will send you the full set of image deliverables.
July 25th: Get back to me with any changes your team has.
July 31st: We’ll have the final revisions done.

If you need anything before then just let me know. Otherwise I’ll see you and the team at the all-hands-on-deck meeting in August!

[Name] – [Phone]

Purpose: Share the meeting file assets

Another thing you can do is send a helpful set of notes from the meeting, or share any materials that were involved. Make sure to write “No response needed” so they don’t feel obligated to reply.

Subject Line 1: Meeting assets
Subject Line 2: Meeting slides, reports, and PDF
Subject Line 3: PDF & Slides from [Meeting Name]
Subject Line 4: Attached: Meeting assets

Hey Growth Hacker Team,

Here’s all the notes and goodies that were on the call:
– The slides: [link]
– PDF version of the notes Aaron took: [link]
– The July SEO report: [link]

I’ve also attached these all in our Slack channel so we can access them later. No response needed.

Purpose: Follow up on a quote they requested

Subject 1: Quote you requested
Subject 2: Quote for [Project]
Subject 3: Can’t wait to work with you
Subject 4: Touching base on the quote you asked for

Hi [NAME],

I just wanted to make sure that you received the quote I sent last week. Let me know that you got it and if you had any questions.

I look forward to working with you,

P.S. I’ve reattached the quote in this email.

Purpose: Tell them what you need as a follow up after a call

Subject 1: I need a few things to get started
Subject 2: What I need from you
Subject 3: Re-cap of items needed to start
Subject 4: A few things missing before I can get started

Hey [Name],

We got a lot done in yesterday’s meeting.

Just a reminder that here are a few things that I will need from you to get started on your project:

– [Asset ex: logo]
– [Asset ex: PMS colors]
– [Asset ex: images]
– Deposit of [X amount]

Once I have everything I’ll have a first draft back to you in 3 days.

I’m really excited about this project and thing you are going to love what I come up with.

Talk to you soon,

If you send an email but get no response back, here’s some templates to get their attention back and encourage them to response (without being pushy).

Purpose: Cut straight to the point and ask the next step

Let’s say you do a couple of calls with a person/company, and they ghost on you. Here’s a simple email to get their attention and cuts straight to the point.

Subject Line 1: Quick followup?
Subject Line 2: Next step to take?
Subject Line 3: Let me know
Subject Line 4: Hey [Name], next step?

Hey Erica, quick followup.

I’m not sure what our next step is. Let me know course of action makes sense (if any).

Thanks for your response.
[Name] – [Phone]

Purpose: “Closing Account” follow up email

Here’s a classic email for following up after getting no response from a client. It says you’re closing their account and you need their permission. This one works great!

Subject Lines 1: Closing your file?
Subject Lines 2: Your file will be closed.
Subject Lines 3: Closing your account.
Subject Lines 4: Close out this account?

Hey Niles,

We are in the process of closing files for the month. Typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they’re either really busy or aren’t interested.

If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?

If you’re still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

Thanks for your help.

Purpose: Ask for a one word reply to indicate interest

This is a low-commitment email that just allows them to respond back with one word. I’ve seen in B2B that sometimes ultra-short and informal emails will get a reply quickly.

Hey Ryan, can you reply back to this email with a quick “yay” or “nay” on moving forward with this?

Either is great, just wanted to be sure!

Purpose: Following up if the client didn’t do something yet

Subject 1: Checkin’ up
Subject 2: Reminder [Item They Need To Send You]
Subject 3: Bump!
Subject 4: 👉🏼 Reminder 👈🏼

Hey [First Name], can you bump this over to me real quick?

[Item They Need To Send You].

Thank you!!

Purpose: Following up on prospective client after ghosting

Subject 1: Checking in about [Project]
Subject 2: Are we still on?
Subject 3: Do you still want [Prospect Goal]?
Subject 4: Can we get started?

Hey [Ghoster],

Last week we chatted about how I could help you [Main Goal They Wanted To Accomplish] so that you could [Main Benefit They Were Looking To Achieve].

I haven’t heard back from you, and my schedule is filling up for [Month].

Is this still something you’d like done?

Purpose: Following up on client after getting ghosted using scarcity

Subject 1: Can I schedule you in?
Subject 2: Still looking?
Subject 3: Last step!
Subject 4: Almost done here :)

Hey [Ghoster],p

Are you still looking to [Prospect’s Main Goal]?

I only have one open slot left in my schedule this month. Do you want it?

Let me know if and we can get started.

Purpose: Get a hard yes/no on a lead that’s gone cold

Subject 1: ___ project – still interested?
Subject 2: Came across these, thought they’d help
Subject 3: Resources + a quick win for you
Subject 4: Yes / No ?

Hi [Name],

I’ve been thinking about our conversation, especially the issues around ______.

I put together a couple of resources that might help you with the project, if/when you decide to move forward with it.

(Links to 2 relevant articles about the issue)

With that in mind, I think your quickest win would be to start with ____.

If you’d still like to work on this project together, reply to this email and we can work out the details as discussed.

If not – that’s totally fine, but please let me know. I only take on a few clients per month and I’m saving you a slot.



Here’s some “triggers” with examples you can use. We’ll include a small snippet for each example:

1.) Scarcity:

Make them think the deal is going away, or they are missing out.

Hey Reena,

We’ve got 10 engineers ready to go this quarter, but if we don’t close this deal by next week the company is allocating them to another project. Let me know by Friday if this is a solid go, or we’ll pass for now and contact you next year.

2.) Extreme Honesty:

Show some real vulnerability and honest.

Hey Laura, being completely honest here: We’re willing to go low as $125,000/yr, but lower than that is not profitable for us.

Let me know this week and I can lock in that price, otherwise the PM told me we’re closing out this account.

3.) Question Their Power:

I do not condone using this except in rare situations! This method might burn bridges, so beware.

Hey Jim, seems like we might be asking the wrong department about this, can you forward me to the person/department who can make this happen?
Sign up phone call template pdf

4.) Use Specific Facts:

By quoting actual numbers, one of them might capture the attention.

Hey Aaron, still debating if we’re worth it?
22,374 project managers around the world using us everyday.
2,300 job applications get filled per day.
98.5% of our customers re-use us when they need new hires.

Hopefully we get 1 new PM on board named Aaron!

5.) Intrigue them with stuff about themselves:

Everyone’s favorite subject is themselves, so maybe indulge that with some cool tools. I used PhotoFeeler a lot in my post on how to choose the right photo for your social accounts. I’ve found this to be an awesome little tool to run people’s public photos through, then send them the results!

Hey David, I noticed you’ve got different pictures on your LinkedIn and AngelList accounts. Ran them through a voting process, turns out the photo on the right performed 50% better!

From the results we’ve seen at our own firm, you might want to change your LinkedIn photo to the highest rated one. I know it sounds silly, but we see better results with our salespeople when they use highly rated pictures!

Download all these email templates for your files:

Enter your email and we’ll send you this entire pack of follow up email templates:
-Save in your own files (just one extra sale or response can make it worth it)!-
-Share with colleagues or friends who could use them-
-Copy/Paste them whenever you need-

Neville Medhora – Email Copywriter

P.S. What are your favorite follow up email templates?? Post it below in the comments!

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More Email Templates & Guides:

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Microsoft Excel lets you swiftly create a variety of useful records to log sales calls, service calls and other kinds of call information you need to run your business. In just a few minutes, you can create your own call log customized to your needs or use a pre-made call log template that’s ready to go.

Call Log Purpose

A call log captures in a convenient format the essential information relating to a call from a customer, salesperson or other contact. This information is essential for tracking how calls are handled, and it goes a long way toward keeping customers satisfied. You can later use this information as a reference when the contact calls again, and you can use the log to measure call volume and sales activity.

Roll Your Own

To create your own call log, note which pieces of information you want to keep track of, such as date, time, name of the caller, phone number and purpose of the call. Other data might include date and time to follow up, and a ticket or call number. Launch the Excel app and create a blank worksheet file. First, in the top row or line, type in the headings for each field going across, from left to right. The actual data goes into the rows that follow. Adjust the width of each column as appropriate by dragging the right edge of the column header at the top of the worksheet.

Add a Table

Click and drag across the heading columns and one row down, click the “Insert” tab and select “Table.” Turning the rows of call log data into an Excel table lets you search and sort by any column - a handy feature when you need to look up information quickly. Also, when you reach the last column in the table, pressing tab or return automatically puts the cursor at the beginning of the next row, ready for a new call log record. Without the table, you must move the cursor to the next row manually.

Formatting the Fields

It helps to apply a format to the table columns to create an appearance that’s neat, consistent and easy to read. For example, you can format a column of prices with a dollar sign and two decimals, or a date column with slashes between day, month and year. To format a column, click on the cell containing the table column heading, left-click, then right-click to bring up the list of actions. Select “Format Cells.” A window appears of various formatting options, including date, numbers, text and currency. You can also change the font style and colors to make your data stand out.

Phone Log Template

Microsoft offers a free call log template, which is available at the link below. The call log itself captures basic information, including date, time, client name and notes. Also included in the file are separate worksheet tabs for client contact info and checklists for first-time calling, sales call, review before calling, and followup. Use the template simply by opening it as you would any Excel spreadsheet, then save it as a workbook file under a new name. Or save it in the folder, C:Users(User name)AppDataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART. If in doubt, start Windows Cortana or the File Explorer and search for the folder, XLSTART. When you save the template file to this folder, Excel will open it by default when you launch the app.

References (5)

About the Author

Chicago native John Papiewski has decades of IT consulting experience, and has worked with a wide range of businesses including finance, real estate, distribution and publishing. His articles have appeared in various outlets including and Please, no workplace calls/emails!

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Papiewski, John. 'How to Create a Call Log With an Excel Spreadsheet.' Small Business -, 15 August 2018.
Papiewski, John. (2018, August 15). How to Create a Call Log With an Excel Spreadsheet. Small Business - Retrieved from
Papiewski, John. 'How to Create a Call Log With an Excel Spreadsheet' last modified August 15, 2018.
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