Sims 4 Build Mode Cheats
Dec 5, 2017 - 2 Build Cheats; 3 Career Building; 4 Mailbox Commands. On using these cheats to create your dream lot, see: Tutorials:Build Mode Tutorials.
To open up the Cheats Console, press CTRL + Shift + C keyboard buttons!
- The Cheat Console can be found on the upper left corner of your screen.
- To copy-paste a cheat from this page, select the cheat, press CTRL + C on your keyboard and paste in the console using CTRL + V.
- You apply the cheat by pressing ENTER.
- The Cheat Console can be closed by pressing the ESCAPE keyboard button.
PLEASE NOTE: Some cheats may require the testingcheats truecheat!
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Unlocks locked Career Objects in Build Mode.
bb.moveobjects – Lets you place objects without any limitations. Use 0 and 9 keyboard buttons to move the object up and down!
bb.showhiddenobjects – Shows Hidden Debug Objects in Build Mode.
bb.enablefreebuild – Lets you build on Lots anywhere at any time.
cas.fulleditmode – Unlocks all Create A Sim features when planning an outfit, changing a hairstyle etc.
casclockspeed [0–10] – Lets you decide how slow or fast will Sims move in Create A Sim.
death.toggle [true/false] – Removes death in your World.
freerealestate [true/false] – Makes all houses free when purchasing them.
headlineeffects [on/off] – Shows/hides Plumbob, Skill Bar and Thought/Speech bubbles above your Sims.
hovereffects [on/off] – Shows/hides the white outline when hovering over an Object/Sim.
kaching / rosebud – Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your Household.
matchspeedstereo [on/off] – Lets you decide do you want the Stereo music to match with your time speed or not.
motherlode – Adds 50,000 Simoleons to your Household.
resetsim [FirstName] [LastName] – Resets your Sim to a default state. (Very useful in case your Sim gets stuck).
sims.give_satisfaction_points [number] – Adds a certain amount of Satisfaction Points to your Sim.
testingcheats [true/false] – Enables certain cheats and Debug options when pressing Shift on Keyboard + clicking on an Object or a Sim.
Interaction Cheats are available by Shift + Clicking on objects and Sims once the player types in “testingcheats true” in the command console.
Shift Clicking on Sims
- Reset Object – Resets Sim
- Add to Family – Add the Sim to the current family
- Cheat Motive > Make Happy – Sets all motives to full and sets Mood to Happy
- Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay – Allows motives to change dynamically
- Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay – Allows motives to remain static
- Set as Head – Shift + Right Click object > Then click the pie menu for “set as head”
Shift Clicking on Objects
- Reset Object – Resets Object
Shift Clicking Dirty-able Objects
- Make Dirty – Makes object dirty
Shift Clicking on Dirty Objects
- Make Clean – makes object clean
Shift Clicking Mailbox
- Reset Object – resets Mailbox
Shift Clicking the Ground
- Teleport Me Here – Teleports selected Sim as close to the clicked spot as possible
Shift Clicking Sims
- Modify in CAS – Allows editing of everything but name change and inherited traits
Hotkey | Description |
C | Take a Screenshot (Found in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Screenshots) |
V | Begins and Ends recording video. (Found in Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Screenshots) |
Tab | Enter camera View mode |
T | Top down view, press again to go back to normal view |
Z/X or Scroll Mouse Wheel | Zoom Camera In and out |
Hold in Mouse Wheel | Rotate |
Hold Right-Click | Move around lot/neighborhood |
W or Up Arrow | Moves view up |
S or Down Arrow | Moves view down |
A or Left Arrow | Moves view left |
D or Right Arrow | Moves view right |
Shift+Enter | Center on lot |
Left-Click Sim Portrait | Selects that Sim & makes camera go to Sim |
Right-Click Sim Portrait | Camera follows Sim |
Hotkey | Description |
Control + Shift + C | Access Cheat Command Console |
Home | Walls up |
End | Walls down |
Page Up | Go up a floor |
Page Down | Go down a floor |
Esc | Cancel or Bring up main menu |
Enter | Find Active Sim |
Left-Click Object | Interact with object |
Left-Click Sim | Interact with Sim |
Left-Click Selected Sim | Pie Menu for that Sims personal interactions |
Left-Click Ground | Orders active sim to move to that location. |
N or Space | Select next Sim in household |
G | Shows Aspiration window |
I | Shows active Sim's inventory window |
J | Shows active Sim's Career window |
L | Shows active Sim's Skills window |
O | Shows active Sim's Needs |
R | Shows active Sim's relationship window |
Y | Shows active Sim's Simology |
`/P or 1/2/3 | Pause Game, 1 game speed normal, 2 game speed fast, 3 game speed ultra fast. |
Hotkey | Description |
F1 | Live Mode |
F2 | Buy Mode |
F3 | Build Mode |
H | Hand Tool - Allows to grab objects |
K | Sledgehammer Tool - Allows you to delete specific objects. |
E | Eyedropper - Allows to Copy object |
R | Design Tool - Allows to recolor objects |
G | Toggles Grid |
Ctrl+Z | Undo last action |
Ctrl+Y | Redo last action |
B | Selects Wall Tool |
Hold Ctrl | While using the Wall Tool, will delete walls and rooms. |
Hold Shift | While using the Wall Tool, will toggle between rooms. |
+ on numberpad | Cycle through current held objects color options |
Hold Shift | While placing build/buy objects to place more of the same object. |
Delete | While object is selected, to sell/delete object |
Bakcspace | While holding object, will place in household inventory. |
, | Rotate selected object left |
. | Rotate selected object right |
Hold Alt | While holding object, allows to rotate freely. |
Toggle F5 | Position objects 1/2 and 1/4 distance on grid |
Ctrl+F | While laying floor, allows 1/4 of a tile placement. |
Hold Alt | While placing wallpaper, fills straight section of wall. |
Hold Shift | While placing floor/wallpaper, will fill entire room |
[ | Makes terrain brush smaller, cycle through brushes. |
] | Makes terrain brush larger, cycle through brushes. |
; | While using Terrain paint, makes brush softer. |
' | While using Terrain paint, makes brush harder. |
Ctrl | While using Terrain paint, changes to eraser |
L | Cycle through lighting |
U | Rotate or move structure/house |
PLEASE NOTE: The following Cheats are extracted from The Sims 4 game files and are not officially supported by EA / The Sims Team.
These cheats were intended to be developer use only, but where uncovered by TwistedMexican and are confirmed that they work. Even though these are confirmed by the developer they are still “Use at your own risk”. As some can harm your game if not used correctly. Be sure to always use caution when using any unofficial cheats. I recommend backing up your save before using any of the following unofficial cheats.
Before getting started
1. To open up the command window to enter a cheat, simply press CTRL+Shift+C
2. Be sure to enable testingcheats mode before entering a cheat. Testingcheats must be re-entered each time before entering a new cheat. To enable testing cheats, enter the following into the cheat command window:
testingcheats true
3. Anything with True/Fase in the cheat means that you must choose either true or false, do not type both.
4. Anything in brackets [ ] or angle brackets < > means you need to enput a value, do not include the brackets in the code.
How to get a Sim ID
Some cheats will require you to provide the Sim ID instead of your sims first and last name. You will need to type in the following cheat:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name <yoursimfirstname> <yoursimlastname>
Once you type in the cheat, in the window below the command bar it will say “Has sim id:” followed by a long number. You only need to know the number that is generated. This is your Sim ID for that sim. If you have other sims in your household you will need their Sim ID as well, as each sim has their very own Sim ID.
Money Related Cheats
The following cheats are money and/or bill related. The following cheats all require testingcheats to be enabled before entering the specific cheat.
Set your Household funds to an exact amount
money [amount]
Example: money 50000 this will give your household exactly 50000 simoleons.
Add funds to the Household
sims.modify_funds [+amount]
Example: sims.modify_funds +5000, this will add 5000 simioleons to the household.
Remove funds from the Household
sims.modify_funds [-amount]
Example: sims.modify_funds -5000, this will subtract 5000 simioleons from the household.
Force Bills to be Due
Enabling the above cheat will cause the household bills to become due.
Turn on Autopay Bills
households.autopay_bills true
This cheat will autopay your household bills.
Turn off Autopay Bills
households.autopay_bills false
If you no longer wish to have autopay bills on, you can turn it off by changing the “true” value to “false”.
Skill Cheats
The following cheat will allow you to set your sims skill level. You must have the sim selected in live mode that you would like to apply the cheat to.
Stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [level]
The [skilltype] is the code for the skill you want to change.
The [Level] is the level in which you want the skill, this is just a value of 1 – 10. Example: Major_Painting 5, this would give my sim painting level 5.
List of Skill Types
Skill Name | Skill Max | Skill Value | Pack Required |
Singing | 10 | Major_Singing | City Living |
Herbalism | 10 | Major_Herbalism | Outdoor Retreat |
Baking | 10 | Major_Baking | Get to Work |
Charisma | 10 | Major_Charisma | Base Game |
Comedy | 10 | Major_Comedy | Base Game |
Cooking | 10 | Major_HomestyleCooking | Base Game |
Dancing | 5 | Minor_Dancing | Get Together |
DJ Mixing | 10 | Major_DJMixing | Get Together |
Fishing | 10 | Major_Fishing | Base Game |
Fitness | 10 | Skill_Fitness | Base Game |
Gardening | 10 | Major_Gardening | Base Game |
Gourmet Cooking | 10 | Major_GourmetCooking | Base Game |
Guitar | 10 | Major_Guitar | Base Game |
Handiness | 10 | Major_Handiness | Base Game |
Logic | 10 | Major_Logic | Base Game |
Mischief | 10 | Major_Mischief | Base Game |
Mixology | 10 | Major_Bartending | Base Game |
Painting | 10 | Major_Painting | Base Game |
Photography | 5 | Major_Photography | Get to Work |
Piano | 10 | Major_Piano | Base Game |
Programming | 10 | Major_Programming | Base Game |
Rocket Science | 10 | Major_RocketScience | Base Game |
Video Gaming | 10 | Major_VideoGaming | Base Game |
Violin | 10 | Major_Violin | Base Game |
Wellness | 10 | Major_Wellness | Spa Day |
Writing | 10 | Major_Writing | Base Game |
Child Creativity | 10 | Skill_Child_Creativity | Base Game |
Child Mental | 10 | Skill_Child_Mental | Base Game |
Child Motor | 10 | Skill_Child_Motor | Base Game |
Child Social | 10 | Skill_Child_Social | Base Game |
Toddler Imagination | 5 | Toddler_Imagination | Base Game |
Toddler Communication | 5 | Toddler_Communication | Base Game |
Toddler Movement | 5 | Toddler_Movement | Base Game |
Toddler Potty | 3 | Toddler_Potty | Base Game |
Toddler Thinking | 5 | Toddler_Thinking | Base Game |
Bowling | 5 | Skill_Bowling | Bowling Night |
Parenting | 10 | Skill_Parenting | Parenthood |
Pet Training | 5 | Skill_DogTraining | Cats & Dogs |
Vet Skill | 10 | Major_Veterinarian | Cats & Dogs |
Archaeology | 10 | Major_Archaeology | Jungle Adventure |
Local Culture | 5 | Minor_LocalCulture | Jungle Adventure |
Skating | 5 | Hidden_Skating | Seasons |
Flower Arranging | 10 | AdultMajor_FlowerArranging | Seasons |
Career Cheats
The following cheats are used to alter a sims career. You must have the sim selected in live mode that you would like to apply the cheat to.
Promote Career
Careers.promote <NameOfCareer>
Example: careers.promote secretagent, this would promote my sim to a secret agent.
Demote Career
Careers.demote <NameOfCareer>
Example: careers.demote secretagent, this would demote my sim to a secret agent.
Add Career
Careers.add_career <NameOfCareer>
Adding a career will now have that sim join the specified career. Example: careers.add_career athlete, would make my sim join the athlete career.
Remove Career
Careers.remove_career <NameOfCareer>
Removing a career will cause your sims to quit their specified career. Example: careers.remove_career athlete, would make my sim quit the athlete career.
List of Available Careers
Career Name | Required Pack |
careers_adult_critic (Politician) | City Living |
Critic | City Living |
SocialMedia | City Living |
Astronaut | Base Game |
Athletic | Base Game |
Business | Base Game |
Criminal | Base Game |
Culinary | Base Game |
Entertainer | Base Game |
Painter | Base Game |
Secret Agent | Base Game |
Tech Guru | Base Game |
Writer | Base Game |
Detective | Get to Work |
Doctor | Get to Work |
Scientist | Get to Work |
Teen Babysitter | Base Game |
Teen Barista | Base Game |
Teen Fast Food | Base Game |
Teen Manual | Base Game |
Teen Retail | Base Game |
Gardener | Seasons |
Teen Scout | Seasons |

Raise a Child’s Grade Performance
Careers.promote Gradeschool
This cheat will improve a child’s school performance. Resulting in better grades!
Lower a Child’s Grade Performance
Careers.demote Gradeschool
This cheat will lower a child’s school performance. Resulting in bad grades!
Raise a Teen’s Grade Performance
Careers.promote Highschool
This cheat will improve a teen’s school performance. Resulting in better grades!
Lower a Teen’s Grade Performance
Careers.demote Highschool
This cheat will lower a teen’s school performance. Resulting in bad grades!
The following cheats will effect a sims aspirations. You must have the sim selected in live mode that you would like to apply the cheat to.
Complete Current Aspiration’s Milestone
Add 100 Aspiration Points
sims.add_buff Points
sims.remove_buff Points
You will have to run the remove_buff cheat after each time you add the buff if you want to add more points.
Infinite Consumables (potions)
First run the command, and then buy a potion. Place the potion on your lot and have the sim drink it. The sim will drink it indefinitely until you cancel the action. Once you cancel the action they will sit it back down to use again later. This works on all consumables. But remember food will still spoil.
The following cheats will effect a sims needs. You must have the sim selected in live mode that you would like to apply the cheat to.
Fill Specific Need
fillmotive <motiveType>
Example: fillmotive motive_hunger, will max my sims hunger meter.
The following cheats will effect a sims emotions and active buffs. You must have the sim selected in live mode that you would like to apply the cheat to.
Add Buff to Sim
Sims.add_buff <buffType>
Example: Sims.add_buff Energizedlow, would make my sim have the energized emotion.
Remove Buff from Sims
Sims.remove_buff <buffType>
Example: Sims.remove_buff Energizedlow, would make my sim loose the energized emotion.
Remove all Buffs
This cheat will remove all buffs from your sim, and return then to the default “Fine” emotion.
List of Buffs
Buff Name | Buff Type | Other Information |
Angry | Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful | All can stack |
Embarrassed | e_Buff_embarrassed, peedself | Both can stack |
Energized | EnergizedLow | Do not stack, high gives +2 |
Flirty | FlirtyLow | Do not stack, high gives +2 |
Focused | FocusedLow | Do not stack, high gives +2 |
Happy | Social_Happy, e_Buff_Happy | Both can stack |
Inspired | InspiredLow | Do not stack, high gives +2 |
Playful | PlayfulLow | Do not stack, high gives +2 |
Sad | SadLow | Do not stack, high gives +2 |
Uncomfortable | e_Buff_uncomfortable |
The following cheats will effect a active sims relationship. You will need the name of your sims for most of these cheats.
Increase a Relationship’s Friendliness Level
modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <targetsimFirst> <targetsimLast> <+amount> LTR_Friendship_Main
Example: modifyrelationship Jim Bob Jill Smith +50 LTR_Friendship_Main, this will increase their Friendliness to 50%.
CATS & DOGS UPDATE: If you want to add a relationship between Sims and Pets, use the following code:
modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <TargetPetFirst> <TargetPetLast> <+amount> LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
Decrease a Relationship’s Friendliness Level
modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <targetsimFirst> <targetsimLast> <-amount> LTR_Friendship_Main
Example: modifyrelationship Jim Bob Jill Smith -50 LTR_Friendship_Main, this will decrease their Friendliness by 50%.
Increase a Relationship’s Romance Level
modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <targetsimFirst> <targetsimLast> <+amount> LTR_Romance_Main
Example: modifyrelationship Jim Bob Jill Smith +50 LTR_Romance_Main, this will increase their Romantic relationship to 50%.
Decrease a Relationship’s Romance Level
modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <targetsimFirst> <targetsimLast> <-amount> LTR_Romance_Main
Example: modifyrelationship Jim Bob Jill Smith -50 LTR_Romance_Main, this will decrease their Romance by 50%.
No Introduction menu for Strangers
Warning!: This cheat is not reversible once applied.
Spawn Friend for Me
This cheat will spawn a random sim with 50% friendship status with your active sim.
Acquaintances with All Sims
This cheat will make your active sim acquaintances with all sims in the world, this included recently deceased sims. This cheat will take a few seconds to complete.
Destroy a Relationship
relationship.destroy yoursimID targetsimID
This cheat requires you to have the Sim ID for your active sims and target sim.
Add a relationship status between two sims
relationship.add_bit <yoursimID> <targetsimID> <relationshipBit>
This cheat requires you to have the Sim ID for your active sims and target sim. Example: Relationship.add_bit jane Doe john doe family_Husband_wife, would make the jane and john husband and wife.
The <Relationshipbit> has one the following values:
- romantic-Married
- family_husband_wife
- family_grandchild
- family_son_daughter
- family_brother_sister
- family_grandparent
- family_parent
The following cheats will effect an active sims traits. You must have the sim selected in live mode that you would like to apply the cheat to.
Add Trait to Sim
traits.equip_trait <traitnameNoSpaces>
This will add the specified trait to the current active sim.
Remove Trait From Sim
traits.remove_trait <traitnameNoSpaces>
This will remove the specified trait from the current active sim.
Sims, Age, and Behavior Cheats
Spawn Sim and Add to Household
The sim that spawns will be added to your current household.
Spawn Sim as Stranger
sims.spawnSimple <amount>
The amount indicates how many sims to spawn. Large amounts will crash your game.
Set Sim Age to Adult
Use this cheat with caution, it is best to age your sims up by other means. Can cause issues.
Force Sim onto current lot
sims.summon_sim_to_zone <simID>
This cheat requires the Sim ID of the sim you want to bring to the current lot.
Make Sim behave as a Maid
sims.add_buff NPC_Maid
This cheat will make your sim behave normally, but when something needs to be cleaned up they will do it immediately on their own.
Make Sim Stop behaving as a Maid
sims.remove_buff NPC_Maid
This cheat will make your sim behave normally, and will removed the added maid behavior.
Make Sim/Ghost appear Pregnant
sims.add_buff Pregnancy_Trimester1
sims.add_buff Pregnancy_Trimester2
sims.add_buff Pregnancy_Trimester3
Choose one of the cheats above to make the active sim appear pregnant, but not actually pregnant.
Make Sim/Ghost appear not Pregnant
sims.add_buff Pregnancy_InLabor
Add the inlabor buff to the active sim and buy a bassinet, your sim will pretend to have a baby.
Make Sim/Ghost turn into Skeleton (Requires Jungle Adventure)
traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeleton
Turns your Sim into a Skeleton forever.
sims.add_buff Buff_Skeleton
Gives your Sim a “Skeleton Buff” which lasts for 12 hours, after which your Sim will become normal again.
sims.remove_buff Buff_Skeleton
Turns your Sim into a normal Sim (only works for the buff cheat above)
SOAK: Handyman, Maid, and Parties Cheats
The following cheats are used by the developers to stress-test the system. They will enable randomly generated sims that will chat, fixing/cleaning items then will leave.
Enable Handyman
This cheat will spawn a handyman at the current lot. They will behave as expected.
Call Handyman
This cheat will call a handyman to the current lot. They will behave as expected.
Enable Maid
This cheat will spawn a maid at the current lot. They will behave as expected.
Call Maid
This cheat will call a maid to the current lot. They will behave as expected.
Enable Party
This cheat will start a party on the current lot.
Call Party
This cheat will call to start a party on the current lot.
Influence Death
The following cheats will add a buff that just might kill your sim, since you can’t immediately kill your sim.
Death by Repair
sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning
Add this buff to your sims and try fixing items around the house.
Death by Exhaustion
sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
Add this buff to your sim and it may die immediately. If it does not try working out.
Death by Embarrassment
sims.add_buff Buff_MortifiedJar to exe key.
This buff will cause death within 5 hours if not treated.
Death by Hunger
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving
This buff will cause your sim to die in 24 hours.
Death by Fire (Requires Get to Work)
sims.add_buff Buff_Motives_Hunger_Starving
This cheat has a 15% chance of combustion. You may need to enter this cheat several times for combustion.
Death by Poison (Requires Jungle Adventure)
traits.equip_trait Poison
The poison death cheat will instantly turn your Sim into a ghost.
Death by Overheating (Requires Seasons)
traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat
traits.remove_trait Ghost_Overheat
The overheating death cheat will instantly turn your Sim into a ghost. You’ll be able to use the special interaction to warm up other Sim.
Death by Freezing (Requires Seasons)
traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen
traits.remove_trait Ghost_Frozen
The overheating death cheat will instantly turn your Sim into a ghost. You’ll be able to use the special interaction to cool Sim off.
Pregnancy Cheats
Force Offspring Count
pregnancy.force_offspring_count <simID> <count>
This cheat requires your sim to already be pregnant. The count is the amount of children you would like to have. Example: pregnancy.force_offspring_count 1100022 3, would force my sim to have triplets.
All the following cheats require testingcheats true to be enabled.These cheats unlock/buys new items and perks for your Retail Business. The Perks are applied to all members of your household.
Plaque: My First Simoleon
bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true
Unlocks Plaque decorative wall object. Found in “Retail Items” in Buy Mode.
Provocative Pedestal
bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true
Unlocks Pedestal object. Found in “Retail Items” in Buy Mode.
Stunning Sign
bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true
Unlocks Sign object, when placed in your store it will attract more customers. Found in “Retail Items” in Buy Mode.
Snazzy Shirt
bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true
Unlocks CAS shirt for males and females.
Register of Tomorrow
bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true
Unlocks Suro’s Cash Register. Found in “Retail Items” in Buy Mode.
Superfluous Surplus
bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true
Unlocks Perk, cost of restocking items reduced for 12 hours.
Additional Employee #1
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true
Unlocks Perk, In “Manage Employees” window you can hire one additional employee.
Faster Restocking (small)
bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true
Unlocks Perk, reduces the time it take your household sims to restock sold items.
Faster checkouts (small)
bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true
Unlocks Perk, speeds up the time it takes to ring up customers for your household.
Plaque: Fobbs 500
bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true
Unlocks decorative wall object, Found in “Retail Items” in buy mode.
Curious Shopper
bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true
Unlocks perk, customers will browse items on sale longer before leaving.
Mega Manager
bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true
Unlocks perk, Greater change on succeeding in management social interactions with employees.
Additional Employee #2
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true
Unlocks perk, In “Manage Employees” window you can hire one additional employee.
Serious Shopper
bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true
Unlocks perk, Customers will buy items more frequently when entering the store.
Faster Checkouts (large)
bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true
Unlocks perk, significantly speeds up the time it takes to ring up customers for your household.
Faster Restocking (large)
bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true
Unlocks perk, significantly reduces the time it take your household sims to restock sold items.
Sure Sale
bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true
Unlocks social interaction “Sure Sale”. Guarantees a customer will buy an item.
Slick Salesman
bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true
Unlocks social interactions, greater chance at succeeding retail social interactions on customers.
Instant Restocking
bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true
Unlocks perk, household members can restock sold items instantly.
Cheaper Restocking
bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true
Unlocks perk, reduces the price of restocking sold items.
All the following cheats require testingcheats true to be enabled.These cheats unlock/buys new items and perks for your Restraunt The Perks are applied to all members of your household.
Curious Customers
bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishSocial true
Unlocks social interaction “Recommend Dish”, Customers will occasionally ask for a order recommendation from management.
Additional Waiter #1
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 true
Unlocks perk, In “Manage Employees” window you can hire one additional employee.
Ingredient Quality Options
bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions true
Unlocks perk, Unlocks ability to choose meal ingredient quality.
Meal Rush
bucks.unlock_perk MoreCustomers true
Unlocks perk, more customers will eat at your restaurant for 24 hours.
Surplus Harvest
bucks.unlock_perk IngredientCostDiscount true
Unlocks perk, Cost of ingredients is discounted for 24 hours.
Patient Patrons
bucks.unlock_perk LengthenImpatienceTimeout true
Unlocks perk, customers are willing to wait longer before getting upset with slow service.
Additional Chef
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef true
Unlocks perk, In “Manage Employees” window you can hire one additional chef.
Curiouser Customers
bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishFrequency true
Unlocks perk, customers will more frequently ask for dish recommendations. Must have curious customer perk unlocked prior to curiouser customers.
Additional Waiter #2
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 true
Unlocks perk, In “Manage Employees” window you can hire one additional employee.
Inspirational Speech
bucks.unlock_perk InspirationalSpeechSocial true
Unlocks social interaction “inspirational Speech”. when used it will inspire your employees.
Fast Eaters
bucks.unlock_perk EatFaster true
Unlocks perk, customers will eat their meals faster.
Lower employee training costs
bucks.unlock_perk LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true
Unlocks perk, lowers the cost of training your employees.
Ingredient Discount (small)
bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_1 true
Unlocks perk, lowers the cost of ingredients by a small amount permanently.
Well Funded Foodies
bucks.unlock_perk ExpensiveOrders true
Unlocks perk, customers will choose more expensive menu items more frequently.
Tidy Tippers
bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup true
Unlocks perk, customers will leave a larger tip for each meal. this perk can be purchased multiple times and will increase the tip amount each time.
Ingredient Discount (large)
bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_2 true
Unlocks perk, lowers the cost of ingredients by a large amount permanently. requires for the “ingredients discount (small)” to be unlocked.
Well managed

bucks.unlock_perk LowerChanceBadEvents_Small true
Unlocks perk, lowers the chance of bad events while your sim is away from the restaurant.
The Chef’s Hat
bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat true
Unlocks CAS hat, unlocks one addition chef hat for your female and male sims.
- Argumentative – traits.equip_trait argumentative
- Good Manners – traits.equip_trait goodmanners
- Bad Manners – traits.equip_trait badmanners
- Compassionate – traits.equip_trait compassionate
- Emotional Control – traits.equip_trait emotionalcontrol
- Irresponsible – traits.equip_trait irresponsible
- Responsible – traits.equip_trait lifeskills_responsible
- Mediator – traits.equip_trait mediator
- Uncontrolled Emotions – traits.equip_trait uncontrolled
- Insensitive – traits.equip_trait unfeeling
- Picky Eater (Child Phase)
- traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_A
- traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_B
- traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_C
- traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_D
- traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_DisgustedByFood
- traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_PickyEater_F
- Distant (Teen Phase) – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_distant
- Loud (Child Phase) – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_loud
- Mean Streak (Teen Phase) – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_meanstreak
- Rebellious (Teen Phase) – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_rebellious
- I’m a Bear! (Child Phase) – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_bear
- Clingy (Child Phase) – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_clingy
Character Values
The character values have values, with -100 being the most negative one and 100 being the most positive one. Down below you can find the character value cheats and replace the value text in square brackets with an actual number value.
- Manners – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_Manners [value]
- Responsibility – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_Responsibility [value]
- Conflict Resolution – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_ConflictResolution [value]
- Empathy – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_Empathy [value]
- Emotional Control – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_EmotionalControl [value]
All the following cheats require testingcheats true to be enabled.These cheats unlock perks for your Vet Clinic. The Perks are applied to all members of your household.
Vet Clinic Perks
The cheat is bucks.unlock_perk [code] true. Down below you can see the Perks and their codes that you should input in the place where the brackets are (brackets are not required).
- Additional Vet #1 – AdditionalVet_1
- Unlock Vet Supply Quality – SupplyQuality
- Vet Rush – MoreCustomers
- Patient Patients – LengthenImpatienceTimeout
- Additional Vet #2 – AdditionalVet_2
- Inspirational Speech – InspirationalSpeechSocial
- Lower Employee Training Costs – LowerEmployeeTrainingCost
- Well Managed – LowerChanceBadEvents
- Reduce Pet Stress – ReducePetStress
- The Vet Coat – UnlockCASItem
Pet Death
You can kill a pet by using the following cheats.
First you need to get the ID of your pet. You can do so by entering the following cheat:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name [PlayedPetFirstName] [PlayedPetLastName]
In the brackets above you add your Pet names instead of the brackets.
Then, you enter this cheat with a Pet ID that was given to you:
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID]
Advance Seasons
The above cheat will advance you to the next season.
seasons.set_season ‘Value’
The above cheat will advance to the specific season you put in the ‘value’ spot. Use the numbers 0-3 to specify which season. (0: Summer, 1: Fall, 2: Winter, 3: Spring).
seasons.set_season_length ‘Value’
The above cheat will set the length of each season without having to go into the game settings. Use the numbers 0-3 to specify how long. (0: Normal, 1: Long, 3: Very Long)
Summon Lightning
Cause lightning to strike something randomly on the ground.
Cause lightning to strike a random object.
You can enter x y z coordinates to hit a specific location on the terrain
Weather Forecast
weather.request_forecast ‘Value’
Shows weather forecast on calendar for 1-28 days. Use the numbers 1-28 in the ‘Value’ spot.
Trigger Weather Event
weather.start_weather_event ‘VALUE’
Start a weather event of your choosing. Use the following events in the ‘Value’ spot:
Weather Event |
weather_Snow_Storm |
weather_Rain_Storm_Cool |
Weather_Cloudy_Cool |
weather_PartlyCloudy_Hot |
weather_Rain_Light_Cold |
weather_Rain_Light_Warm |
weather_Rain_Heavy_Cold |
weather_Sunny_Cool |
weather_Sunny_Hot |
weather_Sunny_Freezing |
weather_Sunny_Burning |
weather_SunShower_Cool |
weather_Rain_Light_Cool |
weather_Rain_Heavy_Cool |
weather_Sunny_Warm |
weather_PartlyCloudy_Warm |
weather_Windy_Warm |
weather_SunShower_Warm |
Weather_Heatwave |
weather_Cloudy_Warm |
weather_Cloudy_Cold |
weather_Cloudy_Hot |
weather_Cloudy_Freezing |
weather_PartlyCloudy_Cold |
weather_PartlyCloudy_Cool |
weather_PartlyCloudy_Freezing |
weather_Rain_Heavy_Warm |
weather_Rain_Storm_Cold |
weather_Rain_Storm_Warm |
weather_Snow_Heavy_Freezing |
weather_Snow_Light_Freezing |
weather_Sunny_Cold |
weather_SunShower_Hot |
weather_Windy_Cold |
weather_Windy_Freezing |
weather_Windy_Hot |
weather_Windy_Burning |
weather_Windy_Cool |
weather_Snow_Test |
weather_debug_fastrain |
weather_Snow_Thundersnow |
weather_Cloudy_DryLightning |
weather_Sunsnow |
The following cheats will help your Sim survive extreme weather conditions, as well as help you in your career.
Storm Chaser Sim
traits.equip_trait Stormchaser
Storm Chaser Sims love stormy weather and thrive in terrifying conditions.
Waterproof Sim
traits.equip_trait Waterproof
Waterproof Sims do not get wet in the rain.
Iceproof Sim
traits.equip_trait IceMan
Iceproof Sims aren’t negatively affected by cold temperatures and enjoy the cold.
Heatproof Sim
traits.equip_trait BurningMan
Heatproof Sims aren’t negatively affected by hot temperatures and enjoy the heat.
Heat Acclimation
traits.equip_trait HeatAcclimation
Sims with Heat Acclimation aren’t affected as much by hot weather, but can still feel the effects.
Cold Acclimation
traits.equip_trait ColdAcclimation
Sims with Cold Acclimation aren’t affected as much by chilly weather, but can still feel the effects.
Scouting Aptitude
traits.equip_trait ScoutingAptitude
All of your Scouting ability makes future earning of Skills a little bit easier. This works for kids, teens and adults.
Father Winter’s Baby
traits.equip_trait FatherWinterBaby
Father Winter is your Sims dad!
Father Winter
traits.equip_trait HolidayTradition_FatherWinter
Add this trait to turn a Sim into Father Winter!
Set Lot Decorations
The following cheats will allow you to set the lot decorations to various parts of your lot. Special thanks to TwistedMexi for finding these!

To Enable:
lot_decorations.apply_decoration ‘Structure Type’ ‘lotDeco’
To Disable:
lot_decorations.remove_decoration ‘Structure Type’
Replace the Structure type and Lot Deco values with the following:
Structure Type | Value |
Foundations | 0 |
Eaves | 1 |
Friezes | 2 |
Fences | 3 |
Sprandrels | 4 |
Columns | 5 |
Lot Decoration Types |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Icicle |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Icicle02_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner05_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner04_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner03_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Streamer_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_16 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_1 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_11 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_12 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_13 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_14 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Buntings_15 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Garland_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Icicle02_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Icicle02_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Icicle01_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Icicle01_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_17 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_18 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_11 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_12 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_13 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_14 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_15 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights01_16 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_18 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_17 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_11 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_12 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_13 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_14 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_15 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights02_16 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_18 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_17 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_11 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_12 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_13 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_14 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_15 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Lights03_16 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_13 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_14 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_11 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner01_12 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_13 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_14 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_5 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_6 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_7 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_8 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_9 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_10 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_11 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner02_12 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner03_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner03_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner03_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner04_3 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner04_4 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner04_2 |
lotDecoration_Holiday_Banner05_2 |
NOTE: These cheats will make collectibles of your choice appear near the selected sim!
The following cheat will spawn an object on the current lot. If cheat is applied to an active sim while in live mode it will place the object near that sim. Testingcheats true must be enabled before applying the cheat.
objects.gsi_create_obj <objectID>
Example: objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7038, would spawn a diamond.
Below is a list of all collectible object Id’s that you can spawn. They are separated by type for your convenience.
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Dead Blue Slug | 0x5F4F | Base Game |
Dead Pink Whale | 0x5F4E | Base Game |
Dead Red Coral | 0x5F51 | Base Game |
Dead Space Porcupine | 0x5F53 | Base Game |
Dead Space Squid | 0x5F52 | Base Game |
Live Blue Slug | 0x5F55 | Base Game |
Live Pink Whale | 0x5F54 | Base Game |
Live Red Coral | 0x5F56 | Base Game |
Live Space Porcupine | 0x5F58 | Base Game |
Live Space Squid | 0x5F57 | Base Game |
Xenolife-Friend Wall-Mounted Reminder Plaque | 0x9F6C | Base Game |
Name | ObjectID | Required Pack |
Counterfeit Mask of Khass | 0x2b7f2 | Jungle Adventure |
Terracotta Mask of Khass | 0x2b7f4 | Jungle Adventure |
Turqoiuse Mask of Khass | 0x2b7f9 | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Mask of Khass | 0x2b800 | Jungle Adventure |
Counterfeit Harvest Knife | 0x2b804 | Jungle Adventure |
Bronze Harvest Knife | 0x2b805 | Jungle Adventure |
Amazonite Harvest Knife | 0x2b807 | Jungle Adventure |
Gold Harvest Knife | 0x2b809 | Jungle Adventure |
Counterfeit Omiscan Vase | 0x2b990 | Jungle Adventure |
Terracotta Omiscan Vase | 0x2b991 | Jungle Adventure |
Stoneware Omiscan Vase | 0x2b993 | Jungle Adventure |
Decorative Omiscan Vase | 0x2b995 | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Omiscan Vase | 0x2b997 | Jungle Adventure |
Counterfeit Cetlcitli Statue | 0x2b99a | Jungle Adventure |
Terracotta Cetlcitli Statue | 0x2b99b | Jungle Adventure |
Painted Cetlcitli Statue | 0x2b99d | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Cetlcitli Statue | 0x2b99f | Jungle Adventure |
Counterfeit Skull | 0x2da5d | Jungle Adventure |
Quartz Skull | 0x2da5e | Jungle Adventure |
Smokey Quartz Skull | 0x2da5f | Jungle Adventure |
Amazonite Skull | 0x2da60 | Jungle Adventure |
Dirt Clump Mask | 0x2e189 | Jungle Adventure |
Unauthenticated Mask | 0x2e18a | Jungle Adventure |
Unauthenticated Skull | 0x2e18b | Jungle Adventure |
Unauthenticated Statue | 0x2e18c | Jungle Adventure |
Unauthenticated Vase | 0x2e18d | Jungle Adventure |
Unautenticated Knife | 0x2e18e | Jungle Adventure |
Dirt Clump Skull | 0x2e70d | Jungle Adventure |
Dirt Clump Statue | 0x2e70e | Jungle Adventure |
Dirt Clump Vase | 0x2e70f | Jungle Adventure |
Dirt Clump Knife | 0x2e729 | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Blue Jay Feather | 0x2B36C | Cats & Dogs |
Cardinal Feather | 0x2B366 | Cats & Dogs |
Crow Feather | 0x2B35F | Cats & Dogs |
Duck Feather | 0x2B362 | Cats & Dogs |
Finch Feather | 0x2B364 | Cats & Dogs |
Heron Feather | 0x2B36A | Cats & Dogs |
Parrot Feather | 0x2B372 | Cats & Dogs |
Pheasant Feather | 0x2B36E | Cats & Dogs |
Pigeon Feather | 0x2B313 | Cats & Dogs |
Puffin Feather | 0x2B370 | Cats & Dogs |
Seagull Feather | 0x2B35D | Cats & Dogs |
Spotted Sixam Feather | 0x2B374 | Cats & Dogs |
Name | ObjectID | Required Pack |
Omiscan Gold Calendar Plate | 0x2da66 | Jungle Adventure |
Omiscan Gold & Turquoise Calendar Plate | 0x2dc4b | Jungle Adventure |
Cetlcitli Gold Calendar Plate | 0x2dc4c | Jungle Adventure |
Cetlcili Gold & Emerald Calendar Plate | 0x2dc4d | Jungle Adventure |
Cetlcitli Jeweled Calendar Plate | 0x2dc4e | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Self Portrait? | 0x1EC02 | City Living |
Red Hearts, White Diamonds | 0x200B1 | City Living |
Uptown Anarchy | 0x200B2 | City Living |
Fashion District Travel | 0x200B3 | City Living |
Freezer Bunny Falls | 0x200B4 | City Living |
Stargarden Maiden | 0x200B5 | City Living |
Parfum L'esprit d'escalier | 0x200B6 | City Living |
Night of the Culling | 0x200B7 | City Living |
William goes Acoustic | 0x200B8 | City Living |
Uptown Down | 0x200B9 | City Living |
The Night Light Legacy | 0x200BA | City Living |
Electric LIama Land | 0x200BB | City Living |
Every Pancake Tells A Lie | 0x200BC | City Living |
Aspiration | 0x200BD | City Living |
What's Necks? | 0x200BE | City Living |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Decorative Egg #1 | 0x163CA | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #2 | 0x163CB | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #3 | 0x163CC | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #4 | 0x163CD | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #5 | 0x163CE | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #6 | 0x163CF | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #7 | 0x163D0 | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #8 | 0x163D1 | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #9 | 0x163D2 | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #10 | 0x163D3 | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #11 | 0x1E94B | Base Game |
Decorative Egg #12 | 0x1E94A | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Corbut | 0x11AFE | Base Game |
Eye of the Stormbore | 0x11B01 | Base Game |
Glumbut | 0x11AFF | Base Game |
Mylom's Tonic | 0x1050B | Base Game |
Starflake | 0x11AF2 | Base Game |
Zarinne | 0x11B00 | Base Game |
Name | ObjectID | Required Pack |
Striped Quartz Gold Perereca | 0x2ba1a | Jungle Adventure |
Bullseye Amazonite Gold Perereca | 0x2ba1d | Jungle Adventure |
Surfer Hematite Gold Perereca | 0x2ba1f | Jungle Adventure |
Sunburst Jonquilyst Gold Perereca | 0x2ba20 | Jungle Adventure |
Skull Diamond Gold Perereca | 0x2ba22 | Jungle Adventure |
Disc Ruby Gold Perereca | 0x2ba23 | Jungle Adventure |
Sprout Sapphire Gold Perereca | 0x2ba24 | Jungle Adventure |
Jeweled Gold Perereca | 0x2ba26 | Jungle Adventure |
Name | ObjectID | Pack Required |
Omiscan Gold Calendar Plate | 0x2DA66 | Jungle Adventure |
Omiscan Gold & Turquoise Calendar Plate | 0x2SC4B | Jungle Adventure |
Cetlcitli Gold Calendar Plate | 0x2DC4C | Jungle Adventure |
Cetlcitli Gold & Emerald Calendar Plate | 0x2DC4D | Jungle Adventure |
Cetlcitli Jeweled Calendar Plate | 0x2DC4E | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Meduso | 0x2531e | Holiday Celebration |
Jack-o-Meduso | 0x25423 | Holiday Celebration |
Meduso Gobbler | 0x25424 | Holiday Celebration |
Sexaduso Sweater | 0x25425 | Holiday Celebration |
Meduso Lovin' | 0x25426 | Holiday Celebration |
Luck o' Meduso | 0x25427 | Holiday Celebration |
Bun Bunduso | 0x25428 | Holiday Celebration |
Medusin | 0x25429 | Holiday Celebration |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Blemish Blossom | 0x59C6 | Base Game |
Cell Block | 0x59C8 | Base Game |
Crystal Palace | 0x59C5 | Base Game |
Falling | 0x59C7 | Base Game |
Hooplankton | 0x59CD | Base Game |
Leaf Meat | 0x59CA | Base Game |
Party in Pink | 0x59CC | Base Game |
Psychedelic Rock | 0x59CB | Base Game |
Rhapsody in Blue | 0x59CE | Base Game |
Snow Fight | 0x59C9 | Base Game |
The Drifter | 0x59C4 | Base Game |
Trace Remains | 0x59BD | Base Game |
Microspace Jockey Plaque | 0xA1DD | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Buddy | 0x7294 | Base Game |
Chaz McFreely | 0x729F | Base Game |
Chef Gino | 0x72A3 | Base Game |
DJ Candy | 0x7295 | Base Game |
Dr. F | 0x72A0 | Base Game |
Elmira Clamp | 0x72A1 | Base Game |
Gonk | 0x72A4 | Base Game |
Goth Boy | 0x72A5 | Base Game |
Hopper | 0x72A6 | Base Game |
Jenny | 0x72A7 | Base Game |
Leaf | 0x7296 | Base Game |
Lyndsay | 0x7297 | Base Game |
Morcubus | 0x7298 | Base Game |
Ol' Gabby | 0x72A2 | Base Game |
Poppy | 0x7299 | Base Game |
TOBOR | 0x729A | Base Game |
Trevor Verily | 0x729B | Base Game |
Violet | 0x729C | Base Game |
Yuki | 0x729D | Base Game |
Zombie Carl | 0x729E | Base Game |
*Mysterious Time Capsule | 0x7740 | Base Game |
*Treasure Map | 0x773F | Base Game |
Remember MySims Plaque | 0x9F74 | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Appaloosa Plains | 0x7789 | Base Game |
Barnacle Bay | 0x7783 | Base Game |
Bridgeport | 0x7788 | Base Game |
Champs Les Sims | 0x7784 | Base Game |
Dragon Valley | 0x7785 | Base Game |
Isla Paradiso | 0x778C | Base Game |
Littlehaven | 0x777F | Base Game |
Lucky Palms | 0x7780 | Base Game |
Lunar Lakes | 0x778A | Base Game |
Midnight Hollow | 0x778B | Base Game |
Moonlight Falls | 0x7782 | Base Game |
Riverview | 0x777E | Base Game |
Sunset Valley | 0x7786 | Base Game |
Twinbrook | 0x7787 | Base Game |
My Penpal Pal Plaque | 0x9F6E | Base Game |
Whiskerman's Wharf | 0x2E187 | My First Pet Stuff |
Al Simhara | 0x2E189 | My Fist Pet Stuff |
Windenburg | 0x2E1BB | My First Pet Stuff |
Name | ObjectID | Required Pack |
Zazatototl Chaos Relic | 0x2bbd8 | Jungle Adventure |
Zazatototl Death Relic | 0x2b8dc | Jungle Adventure |
Zazatototl Watcher Relic | 0x2b8e2 | Jungle Adventure |
Totecallama Chaos Relic | 0x2b8e3 | Jungle Adventure |
Totecallama Death Relic | 0x2b8e4 | Jungle Adventure |
Totecallama Wather Relic | 0x2b8e6 | Jungle Adventure |
Balampalsoh Death Relic | 0x2b8e8 | Jungle Adventure |
Balampalsoh Watcher Relic | 0x2b8ea | Jungle Adventure |
Zazatototl Relic | 0x2b8eb | Jungle Adventure |
Totecallama Relic | 0x2b8ed | Jungle Adventure |
Balampalsoh Relic | 0x2b8ee | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Zazatototl Death Relic | 0x2e9aa | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Zazatototl Watcher Relic | 0x2e9ab | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Balampalsoh Chaos Relic | 0x2e9ae | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Balampalsoh Death Relic | 0x2e9af | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Balampalsoh Watcher Relic | 0x2e9b0 | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Totecallama Chaos Relic | 0x2e9b3 | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Totecallama Watcher Relic | 0x2e9b5 | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Totecallama Death Relic | 0x2e9b4 | Jungle Adventure |
Golden Zazatototl Chaos Relic | 0x2e9a9 | Jungle Adventure |
Balampalsoh Chaos Relic | 0x2b8e7 | Jungle Adventure |
Watcher Relic Base | 0x2bbd2 | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Newcrest Snow Globe | 0x1F1B0 | City Living |
City Skyline Snow Globe | 0x1FEE1 | City Living |
Freezer Bunny Snow Globe | 0x1FEE2 | City Living |
Emily Snow Globe | 0x1FEE3 | City Living |
Plumbob Snow Globe | 0x1FEE4 | City Living |
Age of the Dinosaur Snow Globe | 0x1FEE5 | City Living |
The City Bridge Snow Globe | 0x1FEF4 | City Living |
Tudor House Snow Globe | 0x1FEF5 | City Living |
Haunted Mansion Snow Globe | 0x1FEF6 | City Living |
Yuma Heights Snow Globe | 0x1FEF7 | City Living |
The Willow Creek Lighthouse Snow Globe | 0x1FEF8 | City Living |
The City Skyscraper Snow Globe | 0x1FEF9 | City Living |
Stanley the Jackalope Snow Globe | 0x1FEFA | City Living |
Magnolia Steamboat Snow Globe | 0x1FEFB | City Living |
The Reaper Snow Globe | 0x1FEFC | City Living |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Animal's Planet | 0x6C52 | Base Game |
Battle Stars | 0x6C55 | Base Game |
Big Star | 0x6C4D | Base Game |
Cloudy Vision | 0x6C53 | Base Game |
End of Time | 0x6C4B | Base Game |
I Dream of Plesiosaur | 0x6C4E | Base Game |
Out of This World Style | 0x6C4F | Base Game |
Rosie the Riveting | 0x6C47 | Base Game |
Saturn Return | 0x6C49 | Base Game |
Seeing Red | 0x6C50 | Base Game |
Standard Space | 0x6C4A | Base Game |
Star Crossed Lovers | 0x6C51 | Base Game |
Surfacing | 0x6C54 | Base Game |
T-Rex Nebula | 0x6C4C | Base Game |
Twinkle | 0x6C48 | Base Game |
The Gargantuan Telescope Plaque | 0x9F6D | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Common Space Rock | 0x5C7E | Base Game |
Large Space Rock | 0x5C80 | Base Game |
Uncommon Space Rock | 0x5C7F | Base Game |
Unnaturally Large Space Rock | 0x5C7D | Base Game |
Cosmic Rock Collector Plaque | 0xBC58 | Base Game |
NOTE: These cheats will make items of your choice appear near the selected sim!
The following cheat will spawn an object on the current lot. If cheat is applied to an active sim while in live mode it will place the object near that sim. Testingcheats true must be enabled before applying the cheat.
objects.gsi_create_obj <objectID>
Example: objects.gsi_create_obj 0x7038, would spawn a diamond.
Below is a list of all useful object Id’s that you can spawn. They are separated by type for your convenience.
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Alabaster | 0x7042 | Base Game |
Amethyst | 0x7037 | Base Game |
Citrine | 0x7043 | Base Game |
Crandestine | 0x11ACB | Get to Work |
Diamond | 0x7038 | Base Game |
Emerald | 0x7039 | Base Game |
Fire Opal | 0x7044 | Base Game |
Hematite | 0x703A | Base Game |
Jet | 0x7045 | Base Game |
Jonquilyst | 0x703B | Base Game |
Nitelite | 0x11ACC | Get to Work |
Orange Topaz | 0x703C | Base Game |
Peach | 0x703D | Base Game |
Plumbite | 0x7047 | Base Game |
Quartz | 0x7048 | Base Game |
Rainborz | 0x703E | Base Game |
Rose | 0x704B | Base Game |
Ruby | 0x704C | Base Game |
Sapphire | 0x703F | Base Game |
Shinolite | 0x704D | Base Game |
Simanite | 0x7040 | Base Game |
Turquoise | 0x704E | Base Game |
Consummate Gem Connoisseur Plaque | 0x9F6A | Base Game |
Refined Amethyst | 0x2b8f4 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Citrine | 0x2b8f5 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Crandestine | 0x2b8f6 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Diamond | 0x2b8f7 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Emerald | 0x2b8f8 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Fire Opal | 0x2b8f9 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Jet | 0x2b8fb | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Jonquilyst | 0x2b8fc | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Nitelite | 0x2b8fd | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Orange Topaz | 0x2b8fe | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Peach | 0x2b8ff | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Plumbite | 0x2b900 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Rainborz | 0x2b902 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Rose | 0x2b903 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Ruby | 0x2b904 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Sapphire | 0x2b906 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Shinolite | 0x2b908 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Simanite | 0x2b909 | Jungle Adventure |
Alexandrite | 0x2ba2f | Jungle Adventure |
Amazonite | 0x2ba30 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Alexandrite | 0x2bbf4 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Amazonite | 0x2bbf5 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Alabaster | 0x2b8f3 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Hematite | 0x2b8fa | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Quartz | 0x2b901 | Jungle Adventure |
Refined Turquoise | 0x2b90a | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Packs |
Alcineat | 0x70FD | Base Game |
Crytacoo | 0x70FE | Base Game |
Firaxium | 0x70FC | Base Game |
Goobleck | 0x7100 | Base Game |
Melacoo | 0x70F8 | Base Game |
Oxypin | 0x70FB | Base Game |
Ozinate | 0x70F9 | Base Game |
Peryllium | 0x70F7 | Base Game |
Phozone | 0x70F6 | Base Game |
Plathium | 0x70F4 | Base Game |
Plumbobus | 0x70F5 | Base Game |
Selium | 0x6F07 | Base Game |
Sydrolin | 0x6EE6 | Base Game |
Volentin | 0x70FA | Base Game |
Wolfium | 0x70FF | Base Game |
Xenopetrium | 0x11ACE | Get to Work |
It's All Elementary Plaque | 0x9F71 | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Angelfish | 0xB03F | Base Game |
Anglerfish | 0xAFE6 | Base Game |
Bass | 0xAFF0 | Base Game |
Batfish | 0xE874 | Base Game |
Betta | 0xB0B4 | Base Game |
Blue Crawdad | 0xFEB1 | Outdoor Retreat |
Bonefish | 0x1A79B | Base Game |
Catfish | 0xAF6E | Base Game |
Discus | 0x171BF | Spa Day |
Exotic Goldfish | 0x171C0 | Spa Day |
Goldfish | 0xAF70 | Base Game |
Gummie Guppie | 0x1A799 | Base Game |
Guppy | 0xB184 | Base Game |
Kissing Gourami | 0xB0C2 | Base Game |
Koi | 0xB04C | Base Game |
Minnow | 0xAFE4 | Base Game |
Mountain Lionfish | 0xFF4A | Outdoor Retreat |
Perch | 0xB16C | Base Game |
Piranha | 0xAEF4 | Base Game |
Rainbowfish | 0xAEF1 | Base Game |
Red Crawdad | 0xFEB3 | Outdoor Retreat |
Red-Tailed Black Shark | 0xB082 | Base Game |
Salmon | 0xB0A2 | Base Game |
Sturgeon | 0xB101 | Base Game |
Tetra | 0xB1DC | Base Game |
Tilapia | 0xAF72 | Base Game |
Treefish | 0xE876 | Base Game |
Trout | 0xB03B | Base Game |
Walleye | 0xFFCD | Outdoor Retreat |
Wolf Eel | 0xB0A6 | Base Game |
Yellow Perch | 0xFF19 | Outdoor Retreat |
The Right Angler Plaque | 0xBC5A | Base Game |
Tuna | 0x1D89A | City Living |
Pufferfish | 0x1D89C | City Living |
Electric Eel | 0x2ba33 | Jungle Adventure |
Armored Catfish | 0x2ba35 | Jungle Adventure |
Tambaqui | 0x2ba37 | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Enormous Trilobite | 0x71E0 | Base Game |
Fossilized Alien Skull | 0x71E8 | Base Game |
Fossilized Egg | 0x71DA | Base Game |
Fossilized Plant Imprint | 0x71DD | Base Game |
Fossilized Sand Worm | 0x11ACD | Get to Work |
Fossilized Sea Monster | 0x71DB | Base Game |
Fossilized Sim Hand | 0x71E1 | Base Game |
Fossilized Udder | 0x71E6 | Base Game |
Fossilized Whatzit | 0x71E7 | Base Game |
Hilariously Tiny T-Rex Arms | 0x71DF | Base Game |
Perfectly Preserved Mustache | 0x71E4 | Base Game |
Pre-Pre-Pre Sim Head | 0x71E5 | Base Game |
Prehistoric Bird | 0x71E3 | Base Game |
Prehistoric Hoofprint | 0x71DE | Base Game |
Prehistoric Rock | 0x71E2 | Base Game |
Raptor Claw | 0x71DC | Base Game |
The Golden Trilobite Plaque | 0x9F6F | Base Game |
Fossilized Crocodile Jaw | 0x2ba64 | Jungle Adventure |
Fossilized 2 Toed Footprint | 0x2ba66 | Jungle Adventure |
Fossilized Mouseosaurus | 0x2ba69 | Jungle Adventure |
Fossilized Simian | 0x2ba6b | Jungle Adventure |
Fossilized Llama Toe | 0x2ba6d | Jungle Adventure |
Fossil Rock | 0x2c840 | Jungle Adventure |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Bullseye Frog | 0x824B | Base Game |
Dirt Frog | 0x822C | Base Game |
Dirtsurfer Frog | 0x823E | Base Game |
Dirtwhirl Frog | 0x824D | Base Game |
Eggplant Frog | 0x8227 | Base Game |
Eggplant Whirl Frog | 0x824C | Base Game |
Heart Frog | 0x822B | Base Game |
Heartsurfer Frog | 0x8241 | Base Game |
Hypno Frog | 0x824A | Base Game |
Leaf Frog | 0x81FC | Base Game |
Leopard Frog | 0x823A | Base Game |
Spotted Dirt Frog | 0x8238 | Base Game |
Spotted Eggplant Frog | 0x823B | Base Game |
Spotted Heart Frog | 0x8239 | Base Game |
Spotted Leaf Frog | 0x8237 | Base Game |
Striped Dirt Frog | 0x8244 | Base Game |
Striped Eggplant Frog | 0x8249 | Base Game |
Striped Heart Frog | 0x8246 | Base Game |
Striped Leaf Frog | 0x8242 | Base Game |
Sunflower Frog | 0x8228 | Base Game |
Sunsurfer Frog | 0x823D | Base Game |
Surfer Eggplant Frog | 0x8240 | Base Game |
Surfer Leaf Frog | 0x823C | Base Game |
Tiger Frog | 0x8245 | Base Game |
Whirlyflower Frog | 0x824F | Base Game |
Forlong Frog Friend Plaque | 0x9F6B | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Apple | 0x55B3 | Base Game |
Basil | 0xB2A4 | Base Game |
Bird of Paradise | 0x5B9F | Base Game |
Blackberries | 0x5B8E | Base Game |
Blue Bells | 0x5B9D | Base Game |
Bonsai Buds | 0xB2C7 | Base Game |
Carrot | 0xB0F3 | Base Game |
Chamomile | 0x1025F | Outdoor Retreat |
Cherry | 0x057C3 | Base Game |
Chrysanthemum | 0x5B9B | Base Game |
Cowplant Berry | 0x93E2 | Base Game |
Daisy | 0x5B99 | Base Game |
Death Flower | 0x1010C | Base Game |
Dragonfruit | 0x5B90 | Base Game |
Elderberry | 0x1025C | Outdoor Retreat |
False Morel Mushroom | 0x10724 | Outdoor Retreat |
Fang Flower | 0x11AC1 | Get to Work |
Fireleaf | 0x102A0 | Outdoor Retreat |
Forbidden Fruit | 0x28739 | Base Game |
Garlic | 0x2379b | Vampires |
Glow Orb | 0x11AC3 | Get to Work |
Grapes | 0x5B92 | Base Game |
Growfruit | 0x1EA1C | Base Game |
Huckleberry | 0x107E4 | Outdoor Retreat |
Lemon | 0x57C2 | Base Game |
Lilly | 0x5B9A | Base Game |
Morel Mushroom | 0x10261 | Outdoor Retreat |
Muckleberry | 0x107E5 | Outdoor Retreat |
Mushroom | 0xB0FF | Base Game |
Noxious Elderberry | 0x10723 | Outdoor Retreat |
Onion | 0xB53C | Base Game |
Orchid | 0x5B9C | Base Game |
Parsley | 0xB2A6 | Base Game |
Pear | 0x5B95 | Base Game |
Plantain | 0x57C4 | Base Game |
Plasma Fruit | 0x23644 | Vampires |
Poison Fireleaf | 0x10725 | Outdoor Retreat |
Pomegranate | 0x5B8F | Base Game |
Potato | 0xB0EF | Base Game |
Quill Fruit | 0x11AC7 | Get to Work |
Rose | 0x5B97 | Base Game |
Sage | 0xB2A8 | Base Game |
Snapdragon | 0x55A6 | Base Game |
Spinach | 0xB961 | Base Game |
Strawberry | 0x5B8D | Base Game |
Tomato | 0xB500 | Base Game |
Toxic Chamomile | 0x1071C | Outdoor Retreat |
Trash Fruit | 0x5FAE | Base Game |
Tulip | 0x5B98 | Base Game |
Wolfsbane | 0x2378e | Vampires |
Unidentified Fruit Object | 0x7151 | Base Game |
Go, Green Thumbs! Plaque | 0xBC59 | Base Game |
Magic Bean: Angry | 0x28720 | Base Game |
Magic Bean: Confident | 0x28725 | Base Game |
Magic Bean: Flirty | 0x28724 | Base Game |
Magic Bean: Playful | 0x28721 | Base Game |
Magic Bean: Sad | 0x28722 | Base Game |
Magic Bean: Uncomfortable | 0x28723 | Base Game |
Seed: Starter Flowers | 0x0e91c | Base Game |
Seed: Starter Fruits | 0x0e91e | Base Game |
Seed: Starter Growfruit | 0x1e806 | Base Game |
Seed: Starter Herbs | 0x0e91f | Base Game |
Seed: Starter Vegetables | 0x0e920 | Base Game |
Seed: Farmer Flowers | 0x0f503 | Base Game |
Seed: Farmer Vegetables | 0x0f504 | Base Game |
Seed: Garlic | 0x2403f | Vampires |
Seed: Plasma Fruit | 0x24041 | Vampires |
Seed: Sixam Mosquito Trap | 0x24042 | Vampires |
Seed: Wolfsbane | 0x24040 | Vampires |
Seed: Catnip Herb Packet | 0x2B236 | Cats & Dogs |
Catnip | 0x2B4B0 | Cats & Dogs |
Madnip | 0x2B4B2 | Cats & Dogs |
Napnip | 0x2B4B4 | Cats & Dogs |
Nuzzlenip | 0x2B4BD | Cats & Dogs |
Merry Berries | 0x2ba70 | Jungle Adventure |
Gutsberries | 0x2ba71 | Jungle Adventure |
Vimberries | 0x2ba72 | Jungle Adventure |
Flutterberries | 0x2ba73 | Jungle Adventure |
Cerebrerries | 0x2ba74 | Jungle Adventure |
Museberries | 0x2ba75 | Jungle Adventure |
Razzleberries | 0x2ba76 | Jungle Adventure |
Avocado | 0x2ba78 | Jungle Adventure |
Black Beans | 0x2baa7 | Jungle Adventure |
Beginia | 0x2e103 | Seasons |
Christmas Rose | 0x2e105 | Seasons |
Crocuses | 0x2e107 | Seasons |
Dahlias | 0x2e109 | Seasons |
Holly | 0x2e10b | Seasons |
Snow Drop | 0x2e10d | Seasons |
Green Bean | 0x2e10f | Seasons |
Bell Pepper | 0x2e111 | Seasons |
Green Pea | 0x2e113 | Seasons |
Money Fruit | 0x2e115 | Seasons |
Seasonal Summer Plant Seeds | 0x2e119 | Seasons |
Seasonal Fall Plant Seeds | 0x2e11b | Seasons |
Seasonal Winter Plant Seeds | 0x2e11c | Seasons |
Seasonal Spring Plant Seeds | 0x2e11e | Seasons |
Coconut | 0x34ab9 | Island Living |
Pineapple | 0x34aba | Island Living |
Kava Root | 0x342a1 | Island Living |
Taro Root | 0x34abb | Island Living |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Clear Mind Distillation | 0x10A78 | Outdoor Retreat |
De-Stressing Decoction | 0x10A76 | Outdoor Retreat |
Deodorizing Cream | 0x10A73 | Outdoor Retreat |
Elixir of Fertility | 0x10A7A | Outdoor Retreat |
Energizer Infusion | 0x10A74 | Outdoor Retreat |
Fireleaf Extract | 0x10A7D | Outdoor Retreat |
Fungal Infusion Fertilizer Recipe | 0x10A7C | Outdoor Retreat |
Insect Repellent Liniment | 0x10A71 | Outdoor Retreat |
Natural Herbicide Oil | 0x10A7B | Outdoor Retreat |
Rage Relieving Salve | 0x10A79 | Outdoor Retreat |
Sadness Alleviation Lotion | 0x10A77 | Outdoor Retreat |
Soothing Skin Balm | 0x10A72 | Outdoor Retreat |
Tummy Therapy | 0x10A75 | Outdoor Retreat |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Bees | 0xFE50 | Outdoor Retreat |
Blue Morpho Butterfly | 0xFE52 | Outdoor Retreat |
Dragon Dragonfly | 0xFE5D | Outdoor Retreat |
Dragonfly | 0xFE57 | Outdoor Retreat |
Dust Spirit | 0xFE5C | Outdoor Retreat |
Fire Ant | 0xFE4A | Outdoor Retreat |
Firefly | 0xFF06 | Outdoor Retreat |
Jewel Beetle | 0xFE58 | Outdoor Retreat |
Jezebel Butterfly | 0xFE4E | Outdoor Retreat |
Katydid | 0xFE37 | Outdoor Retreat |
Ladybug | 0xFE51 | Outdoor Retreat |
Locust | 0xFE54 | Outdoor Retreat |
Luna Moth | 0xFE4F | Outdoor Retreat |
Mantis | 0xFE55 | Outdoor Retreat |
Monarch Butterfly | 0xFE53 | Outdoor Retreat |
Mosquito | 0xFE4C | Outdoor Retreat |
Rainbow Firefly | 0xFE5B | Outdoor Retreat |
Stink Bug | 0xFE4D | Outdoor Retreat |
Termite | 0xFE35 | Outdoor Retreat |
Walking Stick | 0xFE59 | Outdoor Retreat |
Will-o-the-wisp | 0xFE5A | Outdoor Retreat |
Entomologist Delight Plaque | 0x10661 | Outdoor Retreat |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Alcron | 0x7069 | Base Game |
Baconite | 0x706A | Base Game |
Blutonium | 0x11AC8 | Get to Work |
Crytunium | 0x7057 | Base Game |
Death Metal | 0x706B | Base Game |
Flamingonium | 0x706C | Base Game |
Furium | 0x7058 | Base Game |
Heavy Metal | 0x7059 | Base Game |
Ironyum | 0x705C | Base Game |
Literalite | 0x706D | Base Game |
Obtainium | 0x706E | Base Game |
Ozinold | 0x7063 | Base Game |
Phozonite | 0x706F | Base Game |
Plathium | 0x7064 | Base Game |
Punium | 0x7070 | Base Game |
Pyrite | 0x7071 | Base Game |
Romantium | 0x7065 | Base Game |
Sadnum | 0x7066 | Base Game |
Simtanium | 0x7067 | Base Game |
Socialite | 0x7072 | Base Game |
Solarium | 0x11ACA | Get to Work |
Utranium | 0x7068 | Base Game |
The Magnum Ignot Plaque | 0x9F70 | Base Game |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Age Away Serum | 0x11A74 | Get to Work |
Alien Aura Serum | 0x11A73 | Get to Work |
Embiggen Serum | 0x11A6B | Get to Work |
Fixer's Luck Serum | 0x11A72 | Get to Work |
Ghost Goo Serum | 0x11A6A | Get to Work |
Need Fixer Serum | 0x11A6F | Get to Work |
Ox Strength Serum | 0x11A6D | Get to Work |
Reaper's Friend | 0x11A71 | Get to Work |
Red Hot Serum | 0x11A68 | Get to Work |
Rose Perfume Serum | 0x11A69 | Get to Work |
Slimify | 0x11A6C | Get to Work |
Smart Serum | 0x11A6E | Get to Work |
Snake Oil Serum | 0x11A67 | Get to Work |
Spark Drive Serum | 0x11A70 | Get to Work |
Synthetic Food Serum | 0x11A66 | Get to Work |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Air Pressure Rocketry (Poor) | 0x27bb6 | Parenthood |
Air Pressure Rocketry (Good) | 0x27ba1 | Parenthood |
Air Pressure Rocketry (Excellent) | 0x27bb5 | Parenthood |
Chemical Reaction Volcano (Poor) | 0x27baf | Parenthood |
Chemical Reaction Volcano (Good) | 0x27ba4 | Parenthood |
Chemical Reaction Volcano (Excellent) | 0x27bb0 | Parenthood |
Construct-a-Bridge (Poor) | 0x28eb6 | Parenthood |
Construct-a-Bridge (Good) | 0x28eb4 | Parenthood |
Construct-a-Bridge (Excellent) | 0x28eb5 | Parenthood |
Electricity Experiments (Poor) | 0x27bb4 | Parenthood |
Electricity Experiments (Good) | 0x27ba6 | Parenthood |
Electricity Experiments (Excellent) | 0x27bb3 | Parenthood |
Medieval Castle Diorama (Poor) | 0x28ebo | Parenthood |
Medieval Castle Diorama (Good) | 0x28eae | Parenthood |
Medieval Castle Diorama (Excellent) | 0x28eaf | Parenthood |
Robotics (Poor) | 0x27bb1 | Parenthood |
Robotics (Good) | 0x27ba3 | Parenthood |
Robotics (Excellent) | 0x27bb2 | Parenthood |
Solar System (Poor) | 0x28eb3 | Parenthood |
Solar System (Good) | 0x28eb1 | Parenthood |
Solar System (Excellent) | 0x28eb2 | Parenthood |
Name | Object ID | Required Pack |
Arcticorn | 0x1EE12 | Kids Room Stuff |
Avesu | 0x1E63D | Kids Room Stuff |
Bubalus | 0x1EE11 | Kids Room Stuff |
Canis | 0x1EE16 | Kids Room Stuff |
Cyprin | 0x1EE17 | Kids Room Stuff |
Dicoatl | 0x1EE0D | Kids Room Stuff |
Fissure | 0x1EE18 | Kids Room Stuff |
Kampos | 0x1E637 | Kids Room Stuff |
Meduso | 0x1EE0E | Kids Room Stuff |
Mytheme | 0x1EE19 | Kids Room Stuff |
Nimbus | 0x1EE0F | Kids Room Stuff |
Nymphaea | 0x1E63E | Kids Room Stuff |
Pleuro | 0x1EE10 | Kids Room Stuff |
Simgaia | 0x1EE1B | Kids Room Stuff |
Suintor | 0x1EE1A | Kids Room Stuff |
Veild | 0x1EE13 | Kids Room Stuff |
Vulpes | 0x1EE15 | Kids Room Stuff |
Wickyn | 0x1EE14 | Kids Room Stuff |
Wisp | 0x1E640 | Kids Room Stuff |
Yorier | 0x1E63F | Kids Room Stuff |
Find out how to activate The Sims 4cheats on PS4 and Xbox One below. Unlike the PC version, you will have to give up earning Achievements and Trophies if you activate cheats.
For general cheats, click your platform below. | |||
PC Cheats | Mac Cheats | PS4 Cheats | Xbox One Cheats |
How to Use Sims 4 Cheats on PS4 and Xbox One[edit]
To activate Sims 4 cheats on PS4 and Xbox One, load into the game and hold down all four triggers at the same time. A thin textbox will appear at the top of the screen. Enter 'testingcheats true' in the textbox to enable cheats.
It's unclear what cheats don't work at this point (The official Sims 4 FAQ said not all cheats work with the console version), but most do.
To use the cheats that required a shift-click on PC, hit A and B on Xbox One or X and O on PS4 simultaneously to perform that function on console.
Get Money Fast[edit]
While motherlode and rosebud are beloved cheats, an easier way to get your sims the Simoleons they need is by typing 'Money X' with X being the amount you want to give your household. You can also use this to subtract funds from your household.
- Money # - Set your household's Simoleons to a specific amount
- motherlode - 50,000 Simoleons
- kaching/rosebud - 1,000 Simoleons
How to Unlock Sugar Skulls and Other Seasonal Event Items[edit]
The Sims 4 official FAQ says that seasonal events with the NPC Jessica Holiday aren't currently planned for The Sims 4 on console, but items from past events (like Sugar Skulls, Holiday Cracker Plushies, Decorative Eggs, and Magic Beans) are still in the game. You can get them using cheats.
With cheats on, make sure you're in Live Mode and open the cheat box. Enter 'bb.showhiddenobjects' and submit it. Then, enter Build Mode.
In the Objects by Function menu select the Decorations tab. Go to the Misc decorations, scroll through all the new items, and you'll find Sugar Skulls and the other event collectibles. Buy them, drop them in the world, and have your Sims put the items in their inventory to have them add it to their 'Household Collections.'
Console Cheats[edit]
Activating cheats does disable Achievements and Trophies. But if you're okay with that, here are a ton of cheats for The Sims 4:
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following codes from the console for the corresponding effects in Build Mode.
- [ and ] - The left bracket enlarges an item and the right one shrinks it
- 9 and 0 - You can raise and lower objects using the 9 or 0 keys
- bb.moveobjects on/off - You can merge objects together and place them wherever you wish
- bb.showhiddenobjects - Items that normally must be found or dug up are now visible
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - All build items you would typically have to earn are unlocked
Submitted by: jboo_chillin
Pregnancy Effects[edit]
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following codes from the console for the corresponding effects.
- sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1 - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in first trimester
- sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2 - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in second trimester
- sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester3 - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in third trimester
- sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant at term (purchase a bassinet and they will have a fake birth)
Submitted by: igber
Imminent Death[edit]
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following codes from the console for the corresponding effects.
- sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning - Cause death while fixing electric item
- sims.add_buff buff_death_elderexhaustion_warning - Cause death after working out
- sims.add_buff buff_mortified - Cause death by embarrassment within five hours
- sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving - Cause death by hunger within one day
Submitted by: young_teen56
Skill Editing[edit]
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following code from the console to set the desired level on a given skill:
stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10]
As an example, you might enter stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 7 to set your skill level on Major Fishing to 7. The list of available skill types is as follows:
- Major_Fishing
- Major_Mischief
- Major_Guitar
- Major_Reaping
- Major_Programming
- Major_Gardening
- Major_GourmetCooking
- Major_Comedy
- Major_Charisma
- Major_Writing
- Major_VideoGaming
- Major_Violin
- Major_RocketScience
- Major_Painting
- Major_Piano
- Major_Logic
- Major_Handiness
- Major_HomestyleCooking
- Major_Bartending
- Major_Dj
- Skill_Fitness
- Skill_Child_Social
- Skill_Child_Motor
- Skill_Child_Creativity
- Skill_Child_Mental
Submitted by: somedude1800
Interaction Cheats[edit]
If you enable additional cheats using the testinghcheats true code and then type in cas.fulleditmode, you will enable all CAS abilities. Then you can press and hold A + B or X + O while clicking on the objects listed below to produce a menu that lets you select the corresponding effect.
- Sim - Allows Sim to be modified, except name and inherited traits (Modify in CAS)
- Sim - Reset a Sim (Reset Object)
- Sim - Add the Sim to the current family (Add to Family)
- Sim - All motives are full and mood is Happy (Cheat Motive > Make Happy)
- Sim - Motives change dynamically (Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay)
- Sim - Motives remain static (Cheat MOtive > Disable Motive Decay)
- Object - Resets object
- Dirty-able Object - Makes object dirty
- Dirty Object - Makes object clean
- Mailbox - Resets mailbox
- Ground - Teleports your Sim to that vicinity
Submitted by: ign_cheats
Other Codes[edit]
- Help cheats
- motherlode – 50,000 Simoleons
- kaching/rosebud – 1000 Simoleons
- FreeRealEstate [on/off] – When entered at neighborhood/world level, makes all homes free
- Death.toggle – Disables Death
- resetSim [FirstName] [LastName] – Resets the specified Sim
- fullscreen – Toggles full screen on/off
- headlineeffects[on/off] – Hides all headline effects (plumbobs, thought balloons, etc.)
- testingcheats [true/false] – Enables additional cheats
- households.autopay_bills - Pays bills automatically
- ui.dialog.auto_respond - Backs out of dialog or makes a choice automatically
aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Completes current aspiration milestone
- careers.demote[name of career] - Earn a demotion in chosen career
- careers.promote[name of career] - Earn a promotion in chosen career
- careers.remove_career[name of career] - Abandon career
- crafting.shorten_phases - Faster crafting
- sims.fill_all_commodities - Fill commodities for one Sim
- stats.fill_commodities_household - Fill commodities for all Sims in household
- sims.modify_funds [amount] - Add specified amount of funds
- sims.remove_all_buffs - Moodlets are removed
- sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired] - Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes)
- bb.moveobjects - Disable object placement rules
- sims.give_satisfaction_points[number of points desired] - Give satisfaction points to Sims
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - Unlock all career rewards in Buy Mode
Submitted by: ign_cheats
Enter the following cheats in the cheats textbox to activate these.
- modifyrelationship [First name of the first sim] [Last name of the first sim] [First name of the second sim] [Last name of the second sim] [Number] Friendship_Main - Add more friendship between two sims
- modifyrelationship [First name of the first sim] [Last name of the first sim] [First name of the second sim] [Last name of the second sim] [Number] Romance_Main - Add more romance between two sims
Become the Grim Reaper
Sims 4 Build Mode Tips
To control the Grim Reaper you can add him to your household if someone else dies. With testingcheatsenabled on, shift+click on the Grim Reaper before he leaves, and click Add to Family.