Life Is Feudal Server Map

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A collection of common downloads related to FeudalTools and Livemaps. Server Terrain Files for Custom Maps These are the terrain replacer files for custom map servers. They're needed to successfully load a custom map server after: Initial map deployment; Restoring a server from database backup; Applying the map refresh script.

  1. Life Is Feudal Godenland Server Map
  2. Life Is Feudal Mmo Map
Life is feudal custom maps

LiF:YO - Life is feudal : Your Own - live map - PROTOTYPE

!!! W A R N I N G !!!!!!!!! Kit processador i5 4770 1155 2. Please read this carefully before you install to your server !!!!!!!!! W A R N I N G !!!

!!! Still work in progress here !!!!!! Still work in progress here !!!!!! Still work in progress here !!!

Because this is my first repository on github I say sorry for my mistakes!If somebody has tips for me.. shoot.

I think I only used free stuff, published on git and so on..My stuff can be used, copied, changed without any limitation.What licence fits best for this scenario?But I would be happy if you give me short notice that I see it live on your server ;)Cheers & Thanks!

!!! Still work in progress here !!!!!! Still work in progress here !!!!!! Still work in progress here !!!


My previous blog (with screenshots and video) about the map :

LiF:YO - Life is feudal : Your Own is a medieval sandbox game:

I played this game with some friends and we came up with the idea to make a nice map of our server.Because I wanted to learn about node.js and some html5 client programming including map technologies I accepted this task.

Currently it is in a very early state. I am no web expert so the code is very very ugly in this prototype.Unfortunately I have no time to continue the work on this.. working on some other stuff ;)

But: Many server administrators asked for this map. So I decided to provide you with what I got so far.Please be not too hard on me.. it is really a prototype which you can take and improve for your needs.

I am sorry that I cannot give a detailled description about the installation (lack of time) but if you try to install and run into problem.. just ask here and we will figure it out.

I will also list the further ideas which we had and which we could not finish due to lack of time.


  • Zoomable tile-map of the game Life is Feudal : Your own
  • Shows active players and there movement LIVE (with sound and animation)
  • Several flexible data layers like terrain, buildings, castles, roads, every single tree if you want ..
  • Several heat maps like historical player movement or building activity
  • Gives map information like GeoDataId on mouse-click


  • mysql-db (game database, we added a lot of objects, all in the 'lt' (lif-tools) namespace)
  • node.js map server (data fetch and push functionality)
  • map client (inside node subdir public; using html5, leaflet, heatmaps, moving marker, sounds, speech, ..)

Thanks to / credits

  • BITBOX Ltd. for the game 'Life is Feudal : Your Own', the graphics and the data. Visit the official page or the game forum
  • Time paradox allicance for providing a base map of the game
  • Maps Icons Collection for their icons and the possibility to customize them
  • for the partnership, providing example data and being my alpha testers :-)
  • Mike Gleason jr. for his tutorial about creating tile maps and his tool to generate the tiles for my first alpha map
  • Stefano Cudini for his plugin Leaflet Panel Layers
  • Vladimir Agafonkin for his plugin Leaflet.heat
  • Ewoken for his plugin Leaflet.MovingMarker


Life Is Feudal Godenland Server Map

  1. mysql objects

First of all you need to install the database objects into your mysql game database.

  • backup your database !!
  • check that your backup was successful ;)
  • if you are unsure what you do.. don´t.. you will break your game database
  • a rough sequence to install:-- first of all the tables ($lt_t_), then-- procedures (first helpers $lt_p_ then batch-processes $lt_pb_), then-- functions ($lt_f_), then-- views ($lt_v_, some views are based on other views.. keep an eye on the from-clause of the view to install in right order; easy way = install all views twice ;)), then-- triggers ($lt_tr_), and after all-- the two events ($lt_e_*)look at our file names.. think.. or ask if you are unsure!

1b) mysql objects (optional, deactivated by default)

  • some stuff you will not need for the map : forest thinner and durabilty loss repair (please refer to my blog for more information)
  • dont install/activate/run unless you are sure what you do
  • event and batch-procedure (file names forest_thinner) for forest thinner (better performance)
  • triggers for durability loss repair ($lt_tr_movable_objects_BU.sql, $lt_tr_unmovable_objects_BU.sql and $lt_pB_repairCraftingStations.sql)
  1. node.js server
  • you will find the node.js installation basics on the web
  • install all necessary node modules (npm, express, http, nodemon,, mysql) -> using npm will make it easier for you
  • copy server.js and subdirectories and try to start server
  • open the ports for node.js (listening port for web server) and port to connect to mysql database if it is remote
  1. client
  • no installation needed, because node.js server should provide all files needed
  • we all used Chrome or iexplorer and I am not sure if the map runs on other browsers
  1. additional map grafics
  • because of the big size my upload of the map tiles to github always broke
  • if you want to see the colored game map, you will need this additional files
  • download here :
  • unpack to public folder from node.js server

Further Ideas

Life Is Feudal Mmo Map

  • one map-server handles several game-servers / roles
  • enable server to handle multiple mysql pools
  • New Heat-Layer Building (hm_b)
  • New Heat-Layer Deaths (hm_d)
  • New Heat-Layer Fight (hm_f)
  • New Data-Layer Trails (cp)
  • New fun-layer (fun+event)
  • New flexible Datalayer (flex)
  • New Server-Datalayer (predefined landmarks)
  • Map-server prerendering
  • map-server statistics /layer / performance
  • player layer should only show players of own guild
  • checkbox in map client to disable sounds